TR1000 – TV Engineering Mode
Press “Enter” and then “Speed Up” buttons until the | Incline | Center | Speed |
console changes to show a number in incline, center |
and speed windows. The numbers shown are examples | 006 | 10.11 | 2.00 |
Press the “Enter” button. The Incline, Center and Speed | Incline | Center | Speed |
windows should change to another set of numbers. The |
numbers shown are examples | 110 | 4910 | 001 |
Press the “Enter” button. The Incline window will |
Show “Si” or “En”. | Incline | Center | Speed |
En = English mode |
Si = Metric mode |
Depending on which mode you would like to use, | En or Si |
pressing the Incline “up” or “down” buttons will allow |
you to change between the two modes. |
Press the “Enter” button. The Incline window shows | Incline | Center | Speed |
“dis” for total distance the unit has run. The center |
and Speed windows show the total miles or kilometers. | Dis | 0 | 000 |
Press the “Enter” button. The Incline window shows | Incline | Center | Speed |
“hrs” for the total number of hours the treadmill has |
been used. The center and speed window will Show | Hrs | 0 | 000 |
the total number of hours the treadmill has been used. |
Press the “Enter” button. The console goes back into | Incline | Center | Speed |
the set up and run mode. | 0 | 00:00 | 0 |
| |||