Pulse/Calories/Fat | 6 Measure your heart rate if desired. |
Calories | |
display shows the ap- | You can measure your heart rate using either the |
proximate numbers of | handgrip pulse sensor or the optional chest pulse |
calories and fat calories | sensor. |
you have burned (see |
FAT BURNING on page 28). The display will | To use the |
change from one number to the other every few | handgrip pulse |
seconds. The display will also show your heart | sensor, first |
rate when you use the handgrip pulse sensor (see | make sure that |
step 6 at the right) or the optional chest pulse sen- | your hands are |
sor (see page 22). | clean. Next, |
Distance/Incline/Laps | stand on the |
foot rails and | |
place your | |
shows the distance that | hands on the metal contacts on the handgrip |
you have walked, the in- | pulse sensor. Your palms should be resting on the |
cline level of the tread- | upper contacts and your fingertips should be |
mill, and the number of | touching the lower contacts. Avoid moving your |
hands. When your pulse is detected, two dashes | |
change from one number to the next every few | (– |
seconds. Note: Each time the incline changes, the | display, and then your heart rate will be shown. |
display will show the current incline setting for sev- | For the most accurate heart rate reading, con- |
eral seconds. | tinue to hold the contacts for about 15 sec- |
Speed | onds. |
| |
display shows the speed | 7 Turn on the fans if desired. |
of the walking belt. | |
| To use the fans, press the Low or High button. To |
| turn off the fans, press the Off button. Note: Any |
Note: When the Km/H in- | time that the walking belt is stopped for a few min- |
utes, the fans will automatically turn off. | |
dicator is lit, the console |
will display speed and | When you are finished exercising, remove the |
distance in kilometers; | 8 key from the console. |
when the Km/H indicator |
is not lit, the console will | Step onto the foot rails, press the Stop button, and |
display speed and distance in miles. To change | adjust the incline of the treadmill to the lowest |
the unit of measurement, first hold down the Stop | setting. The incline must be at the lowest setting |
button while inserting the key into the console. An | when the treadmill is folded to the storage posi- |
“E” for English miles or an “M” for metric kilometers | tion or the treadmill will be damaged. Next, re- |
will appear in the Speed display. Press the Speed | move the key from the console and put it in a se- |
▲ button to change the unit of measurement. | cure place. Note: If the displays and various indi- |
When the desired unit of measurement is selected, | cators on the console remain lit after the key is |
remove the key and then reinsert it. | removed, the console is in the “demo” mode. |
To reset the displays, press the Stop button, re- | See page 22 and turn off the demo mode. |
| |
move the key, and then reinsert the key. | When you are finished using the treadmill, unplug |
| the power cord. |