Thumb Pulse Sensor |
Key | Clip |
The revolutionary treadmill console offers a selection of features designed to make your workouts more effective.
When you select the manual mode of the console, you can change the speed and incline of the treadmill with the touch of a button. As you exercise, the console will display continuous exercise feedback. You can even measure your heart rate using the thumb pulse sensor or the optional chest pulse sensor (see page 16 for in- formation about the optional chest pulse sensor).
The console also features six interactive cross trainer programs designed to help you to burn calories and enhance your cardiovascular system while toning and strengthening your muscles. The cross trainer pro- grams automatically control the speed and incline of the treadmill and prompt you to perform a variety of strength exercises during your workout. There are two whole body, two upper body, and two lower body cross trainer programs to choose among. Note: The strength
exercises require the use of dumbbells and an inflat- able exercise ball (not included). To purchase dumb- bells or an exercise ball, call the
The console also offers two preset programs that auto- matically control the speed and incline of the treadmill while guiding you through an effective workout.
To use the manual mode of the console, follow the steps beginning on page 11. To use a cross trainer program, see page 13. To use a preset program, see page 14.
Note: If there is a sheet of clear plastic on the face of the console, remove the plastic. To prevent dam- age to the walking platform, wear clean athletic shoes while using the treadmill. The first time the treadmill is used, observe the alignment of the walking belt, and center the walking belt if neces- sary (see page 20).