4.While another person holds the Console (22) near the top of the Upright (3), feed the console cable and the console wire down through the Upright. Next, attach the ground wire to the Upright with a Console Screw (68).
Attach the Console (22) to the Upright (3) with three Console Screws (68). Be careful to avoid pinching the cables or the wires.
5.While another person holds the Upright (3) near the Frame (1), connect the console wire to the Reed Switch Wire (67). Next, connect the console cable to the Resistance Cable (70) in the following way:
•See drawing A. Pull up on the metal bracket on the Resistance Cable (70), and insert the tip of the con- sole cable (a) into the wire clip inside of the metal bracket.
•See drawing B. While another person pulls up on the Upright (3), slide the console cable (a) into the metal bracket on the Resistance Cable (70) as shown.
•See drawing C. Using pliers, squeeze together the prongs on the upper end of the metal bracket.
Slide the Upright (3) onto the Frame (1). Be careful to avoid pinching the cables or the wires. Align the holes in the Upright with the holes in the Frame. Attach the Upright with six M8 x 5/8” Hex Bolts (45) and six M8 Arc Washers (54).
4 |
22 |
| Ground Wire |
| 68 |
| 68 |
Console Wire |
| |
Console Cable |
| |
| 68 | 3 |
| |
5 | 54 |
| 3 | |
| 45 | |
| 54 | 54 |
| 45 | 45 |
| |
| 54 | 54 |
Console Cable | Console Wire | |
| 70 | 67 |
| |
| 1 |
A | B | C |
Metal |
| a |
| |
Bracket |
| a |
a |
| 70 |
70 | 70 |