Viewing log files
To view a log file:
1.View is displayed in reversed color. Press ENTER to select it. You can scroll the log information pages with UP/DOWN. Suunto X9 displays the following information:
•Name of the file (always visible on the top row)
•Distance traveled (dfs)
•Time from start (tfs)
• Maximum speed (max)
• Average speed (avg)
• Total ascent (asc)
•Total descent (dsc)
•Highest altitude (high)
•Lowest altitude (low)
•Total number of runs (A run is a vertical movement of ascent and descent equaling 150ft/50m or more)
2.Press STOP/BACK to exit the log information.
Erasing log files
Your Suunto X9 can store up to 25 log files in the memory. When it is full, you have to erase existing files to make room for new ones.
To erase a log file:
1.Select Erase with UP/DOWN and press ENTER. The message ‘ERASE LOG FILE?’ is displayed.
2. Press ENTER to confirm the action. The message ‘LOG FILE ERASED’ is displayed.
3. Press STOP/BACK to exit the log information.