Horizon Fitness Bicycle manual O G R a M P R O F I L E S

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Customized workouts, allowing the user to adjust resistance level to the user's preference.


Improves your strength, speed, and endurance by raising and lowering the resistance levels through- out your workout to involve both your heart and muscles.


Maintains weight by gradually raising and lowering the resistance level to gradually raise and lower your heart rate.


Promotes weight loss by raising and lowering the resistance level, while keeping you in your fat burn- ing zone.


Improves performance and stamina by raising the resistance level to high peaks to simulate the most difficult outdoor terrains.


Benefits weight loss by maintaining an optimum exercise level to burn fat, while adjusting the resist- ance to keep you in your target heart rate zone.

Bsc 3


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Contents Class B L E O F C O N T E N T S P O R T a N T S a F E T Y I N S T R U C T I O N S Class SeriesOperation Other Safety Tips for Your Horizon Fitness Upright BikeCleaning ChildrenAssembly Important Please Read Before USEWarranty Registration Power T T I N G S T a R T E DMoving O W Y O U R U P R I G H T B I K E BscReset Quick Start UPStarting Your Workout O G R a M M I N GChoosing Your Time Finishing Your WorkoutS P L a Y Pedals Transport Wheel Side Covers Rear Support Tube Press and hold the Stop button to reset the upright bike Calories Choosing the LevelHeart Rate ResistanceWatts ProfileChoosing a Program Choosing a ResistanceChoosing a Time O G R a M P R O F I L E S I N G Y O U R T H R Z o n e T M P R O G R a M Heart Rate Handlebar N I T O R I N G Y O U R H E a R T R a T EFeedback Telemetric Chest TransmitterR Z o n e T M Target Heart Rate ZoneTroubleshooting Y O U R U P R I G H T B I K E A R T R a T E TroubleshootingClass Series HOW Long will the Drive Belt LAST? M M O N P R O D U C T Q U E S T I O N SAre the Sounds MY Upright Bike Makes NORMAL? Can I Move the Upright Bike Easily Once IT is ASSEMBLED?E R C I S E G U I D E L I N E S HOW OFTEN?HOW LONG? U T I N E M a I N T E N a N C E HOW HARD? Perceived Exertion LevelWall Push V E L O P I N G a F I T N E S S P R O G R a MStretch First Standing Quadriceps StretchE I M P O R T a N C E O F W a R M U P D C O O L D O W N Warm UPCool Down H I E V I N G Y O U R F I T N E S S G O a L S Keeping AN Exercise DiaryE K L Y L O G S H E E T N T H L Y L O G S H E E T M I T E D H O M E U S E W a R R a N T Y Horizon Fitness