Helpful Hints
Sanitize Hotel Bedding
You’ll sleep better when you know your hotel bedding is clean and fresh. With the HAAN® QuickPro™ you can quickly sanitize pillows and blankets with 212°F steam that kills up to 99.9% of E. coli, Salmonella and other common household germs.
Remove Odors
From smoky hotel bedding and
Care for Your Fine Table Linens
At home, the QuickPro™ is the fast way to take wrinkles and fold lines out of table linens, so your fine fabric tablecloths and napkins will look
Touch-Up Delicate Blouses and Light Sweaters
Often, you’ll get the best results on lightweight items by steaming the underside of the garment while gently pulling the item taut.
Protect Beds and Surfaces
Be sure to use the stainless steel resting stand to heat up your HAAN® QuickPro™ and when allowing it to cool after use. Never leave the steamer rest in one place (for example, a bed covering or sofa cushion) for any length of time.
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