AEG 97-115 manual Satici F Irmanin

Page 38

AEG’nin mamülleri için verdigi garanti, aagõda yazõlõ hususlarõ kapsamaz.

eKullanma kõlavuzunda belirtilen talimatlarõn dõõndaki kullanõmlar,

eTüketiciye teslimden sonra oluabilecek kõrõk, çizik ve hasarlar (taõma, çarpma, düürme, v.s.)

eMamulü; uygun olmayan elektrik tesisatõnda veya kullanõlmasõ ön görülen voltaj dõõnda kullanma,

eMamulü; uygun olmayan artlarda kullanma,

eGereken onarõm için yetkili servise bavurmadan önce AEG Yetkili Servis Personeli dõõnda bir kimsenin cihazõn onarõmõna, bakõmõna veya tadiline kalkõolmasõ durumlarõnda,

eYukarõda belirtilen maddeler kapsamõnda olan arõzalar ücret karõlõgõ yapõlõr.

eI•çilik ve üretim hatalarõna karõ cihazõn 1 (BIR) YIL SÜRE ILE GARANTI EDILMI‚TIR. Bunun dõõnda herhangi bir durum altõnda hak ve tazminat talep edilmez.

eArõzalarõn giderilmesi konusunda uygulanacak teknik yöntemlerin tespiti ile degitirilecek parçalarõn saptanmasõ tamamen firmamõza aittir.

eGaranti Belgesi üzerinde tahrifat yapõldõgõ, mamül üzerindeki orijinal seri numarasõ kaldõrõldõgõ veya tahrip edildigi taktirde bu belge hükümden düer.



















GD 3

GD 2

GD 1

Image 38
Contents Lavamat Dear customer Contents Page Positioning, connection, starting up Safety instructionsGeneral notes Follow the instructions for positioning and connectionChild safety Proper useMachine DiscardingPackaging materials Tips for environmental protection Main features of your washing machine Description of the appliance Front viewProgramme selector dial Temperature selector dialControl panel = Spin reduction button 500 £Anticrease button stop with water in drum KIRI‚IK ON/OFF button Açma KapamaHalf load button Yarim YÜK Intensive rinse button EK DurulamaDetergent and additive dispenser drawer Before the first washPreparing the wash cycle Sorting out and preparing the laundryColoureds Types of fabric and care labelsWhites Coloureds 40Delicates 40 Woollens and particularly delicate itemsDetergents and additives Load the laundry How to washSelect the wash programme and temperature Add detergent and additiveEnd of the programme Select the required optionStart the programme Press the buttons according to the selected programmeMaximum load 5 kg Programme chartEnergetic programmes for cottons and linen Progr Temp Type of laundry Cycle descriptionMaximum load 2 kg wool 1 kg Progr. Temp 30-60 30-40 Type of laundry Cycle descriptionProgramme Maximum Water Energy Duration Temperature Consumption data and duration of main programmesAfter each wash Cleaning and maintenancePeriodical cleaning Bodywork Detergent dispenser drawerSmall objects Inadvertently left Drain filterWater inlet filters Frost precautions Emergency emptying outSomething not working? TroubleshootingProblem Possible cause Solution Something not working? Programme is still Wait until the end Running Foam is still visible even after the last rinse Unsatisfactory washing resultsIf grey stains remain on the laundry White residue is left on the laundryTechnical data This appliance complies with the following EC directivesService Instructions for installation and electrical connection Safety instructionsDimensions of the appliance Rear viewInstallation UnpackingBefore placing it on small tiles, apply a rubber coating PositioningLevelling End of the drain hose can be positioned in three ways Water inletWater drainage Directly into a Electrical connectionPermanent connection Not more than 90 cm EndSatici F Irmanin Garanti B E L G E S