Kenmore 110.29882891, 3950145 Suseguridadnosimportamuchisimo, Guarde Estas Instrucciones

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ADVERTENClA: a fin de reducir el riesgo de incendio, descarga eldctrica o lesi6n sufrida per las personas que usen el lava- rropas, deben seguirse precauciones basicas, incluidas las siguientes:

Lea todas las instrucciones antes de usar el lavarropas.

No lave los artfculos que ya se hayan limpiado, lavado, remojado o manchado con gasolina, disolventes de limpieza en seco, otras sustancias inflamables

o explosivas, puesto que estas despiden vapores que podrian encenderse o causar una explosi6n.

No aSada gasolina, disolventes de limpieza en seco, u otras sustancias inflamables

o explosivas al agua de lavado. Estas sustancias despiden vapores que podrfan encenderse o causar una explosibn.

En ciertas condiciones, puede generarse hidrbgeno en un sistema de agua caliente que no se haya usado per dos semanas o un perfodo mayor. EL HIDR6GENO ES INFLAMABLE. Si no se ha usado el sistema

de agua caliente pot dicho perfodo, antes de usar el lavarropas, abra todos los grifos

de agua caliente y deje que corra el agua

desde cada uno por varies minutes. Esta acci6n liberar& todo el hidr6geno que se haya acumulado. Debido a la inflamabilidad de dicho gas, no fume ni use una llama descubierta durante este tiempo.

No permita que jueguen niSos en el lavarropas o en sus inmediaciones. Es necesaria la cuidadosa vigilancia de los niSos toda vez que se use el lavarropas cerca de los niSos.

Quite la puerta del lavarropas antes de ponerlo fuera de funcionamiento o de descartarlo.

No introduzca la mano en el lavarropas si la tina o el agitador de aspas est_ en movimiento.

No instale ni almacene este lavarropas donde estar& sometido a la intemperie.

No trate de forzar los controles.

No repare ni cambie pieza alguna del lavarropas ni intente realizar ninguna tarea de servicio t_,_=cnico,excepto cuando asf se le indique especfficamente en el Manual del propietario o en instrucciones

de reparaci6n por el usuario publicadas que usted entienda y para cuya ejecuci6n cuente con la habilidad necesaria.


IMPORTANTE: Observe todos los c6digos y reglamentos gubernamentales.


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Contents OwnersManual Installation Instructions Your washer may look differentBefore Using Your NEW Washer Safety InstructionsLaundry Tips Caring For Your Washer Limited 10-YEAR Warranty on Plastic TUB Full 1-YEAR Warranty On Mechanical Electrical PartsLimited 5-YEAR Warranty on Gearcase Parts Sears, Roebuck and Co., Dept WA, Hoffman Estates, ILYour Safety is Importantto US Select Location Installation OverviewFor a complete list of tools and parts Needed, see pages Standpipe Drain System p Floor Drain System pRemove Shipping Strap p Tools NeededConnect Drain Hose pgs Tools Needed Parts Needed Connect Inlet Hoses to Washer pgs Tools Needed Parts Needed Flashlight optional Wood block Depending on installation Secure Drain Hose pElectrical Requirements Grounding Instructions mSelect Location For Your Washer Recessed Area Closet Installation InstructionsThis washer may be installed in a recessed area or closet If other appliLaundry TUB Drain System Alternate Locations Standpipe and Floor Drain Systems Remove Shipping Strap Electrical plug Shipping strapPin If you have ConnectdrainhoseDrain hose with tap water. do not USE ANY Other Lubricant You will need to buyHookedEnd Put hooked end of drain hose Connect Inlet Hoses to WasherFor standpipe or laundry tub drain systems Are firmly seated in couplingsConnectinlethoses Towater Faucets If you Have You Will Need BuySecure Drain Hose Location To install front legsLevelwasher Prop front of washer up aboutTurned on Review InstallationElectrical Final StepsSTOPPING/RESTARTING Washer To the right to desired setting seeStarting Washer Load see Push the Cycle SelectorWater Level SET Water Level ControlWashers with a variable Water Level Control Washers with a 4- or 5-position Water Level ControlHOT SET Water Temperature ControlSelecting Water Temperatures WarmAutomatic Temperature Control ATC Speeds DescriptionsSelector Timer Control ONE2ND Rinserinse Setting Your Rinse Options ControlRinse and Spin Spin onlyQuiet PAK TM SELF-CLEANING Lint FilterDouble ROLL-OVER DUAL-ACTION Agitator Understanding Normal Washer SoundsUsing the Liquid Chlorine Bleach Dispenser Liquid chlorineUsing the Liquid Fabric Softener Dispenser Liquid fabric softener Spenser Blue lock ringUnderstanding What Happens in Each Cycle Ultra Clean Permanent Press PrewashSoak Preparing Clothes For Washing SortingSuper Capacity Plus Washers LoadingLoading Suggestions EXTRA-LARGE Capacity Plus WashersNON-USE or Vacation Care Cleaning Your WasherWinter Storage or Moving Care Water Inlet HosesWont Drain Problem Possible Cause Solution Washer LeaksWashers Wont Spin CloggedContinues Wont SpinWet Loads Cords Cont To FillAgitator Not ProblemPossible CauseStops WorkingDo not wrap items around agitator when loading washer Stains on Improper use of fabricKenmore Washers Call8OO-4-REPAIR Importante Cuidado DEL Lavarropas Localizacion Reparacion DE Averas INSTRUCClONESAcuerdo DE Mantenimiento Sears Garanta Integral DE 1 Aiio EN LAS Piezas MEC.&.NICAS Y Sobre LAS Piezas DE LA Caja DEL EngranajeSears Roebuck and Co., Dept WA, Hoffman Estates, IL Suseguridadnosimportamuchisimo Guarde Estas InstruccionesSistema de desagJe por pila para lavar ropa pdg Sistema de desagJe por el suelo pdgConecte LA Manguera DE Desague pdgs Conecte LAS Mangueras DE Entrada DE Agua AL Lavarropas Herramientas Necesarias Piezas necesariasDe agua Arandela Niveladora PdgDemanda Electrica Instrucciones Para LA Puesta a Tierra=,,====,=== Escoja EL Lugar Donde Desea Instalar EL Lavarropas 1110,161r Cm r Icml cm99,06 cm Pulg Sistema DE Desagoe POR Tina DE LavadoPage Quite LA Banda DE Sujecion Para Transporte AlfilerMm Manguerade Pulg Conectelamanguera DE DesagueGire Empuje De mangueras No. de piezaManguerade desagiie Conecte LAS Mangueras DE Llenado AllavarropasConecte LAS Mangueras DE Entrada a LOS Grifos DE Agua Ajuste LA Manguera DE Desagoe Banda de sujeciGnNivele EL Lavarropas Revise LA Instalacin Pasos FinalesPuesta EN Marcha DEL Lavarropas Como Detener Y Volver a Poner EN Marcha EL LavarropasPosicionamientodel Control DE Nivel DEL Agua Posicionamiento DEL Control DE Temperatura DEL Agua Seleccion DE Lastemperaturas DEL AguaCaliente Regular Regular Control Automatico DE LA Temperatura ATCDelicado Delicate Lavado Pesado Heavy DutyPress Ultralimpio Ultra Clean 0 Normal NormalInarrugables Permanent Press Prelavado PrewashCMO Fijar EL Control DE Opciones DE Enjuague ULTRACLEAN1ONE2ND Rinserinse Enjuague Y Centrifugado Centrifugado SolamenteAgitador DE DUAL-ACTION Doble Accion Comprensin DE LOS Sonidos Normales DEL LavarropasUSO DEL Recipientedistribuidor Delejeaclorada Ljquida Lejia clorada liquidaUSO DEL REClPIENTE Distribuidor DEL Suavizador DE TejidosIII Comprenda LO QUE SucedeEN Cada ClCLO 2DO EnjuaguePreparacin DE LA Ropa Para Lavar SeparacionLavarropasde Capacidadsuperiorplus CargaSugerencias Para Preparar LA Carga Lavarropasde GranAlmacenaje Invernal O Cuidado Durante LA Mudanza Limpieza DEL LavarropasMangueras DE Entrada DE Agua Durante LAS VacacionesPage Page Probable De 16C 60FSuficiente para relajar las arrugas Se est& usando enjuagues tibiosEl agua de lavado no se calienta Io Las mangueras estn instaladasLavarropas Kenmore Para obtener mas informacibn Ilame al8OO-366-PART

110.29882891, 3950145, 110.29882890, 110.29884890, 11026832692 specifications

The Kenmore 110 series of washing machines, including models 11026832692, 110.29884890, 110.29882890, 3950145, and 110.29882891, represents a line of dependable and efficient appliances that cater to modern laundry needs. These machines are designed with features and technologies that streamline the washing process while ensuring thorough cleaning.

One of the standout features of the Kenmore 110 series is the diverse range of wash cycles and settings. These machines offer various cycle options, including delicate, heavy-duty, and quick wash, allowing users to select the perfect setting based on their laundry load. The presence of multiple temperature settings means each fabric type can be handled with care, preserving the integrity and color of clothes over time.

In terms of performance, the Kenmore 110 series utilizes advanced agitator technology. This technology provides superior cleaning action, ensuring that tough stains are effectively removed without compromising the fabric. Additionally, the machines are equipped with a large capacity drum, accommodating sizable laundry loads, which is especially convenient for families or individuals with busy lifestyles.

Energy efficiency is another hallmark of the Kenmore 110 series. Many models in this line are designed with energy-saving capabilities, which help reduce water and energy consumption without compromising washing quality. This eco-friendly aspect appeals to consumers looking to minimize their impact on the environment while maintaining high standards in laundry care.

Furthermore, these models often feature a straightforward control panel, making them user-friendly even for those who may be less familiar with modern appliances. Many models show cycle progress indicators, allowing users to track their laundry with ease and plan their tasks accordingly.

Durability is an essential characteristic of the Kenmore 110 series as well. These machines are constructed with high-quality materials built to withstand the rigors of regular use, ensuring longevity and reliability.

In conclusion, the Kenmore 11026832692, 110.29884890, 110.29882890, 3950145, and 110.29882891 models offer a compelling mix of functionality, efficiency, and ease of use. With advanced features, energy-saving technology, and robust construction, this series meets a variety of laundry needs while ensuring customer satisfaction and convenience. Whether handling delicate fabrics or large loads, the Kenmore 110 series is a reliable choice for any household.