| End User Password |
| This contains the password for end user to access the Web Configuration Menu. User |
| |
| can put new password here. This field is case sensitive with maximum of 25 characters |
| |
| Web Port |
| This is the device’s internal HTTP server port. Default is 80. |
| |
| Telnet Server |
| Default is set to YES. Telnet access is allowed to the device in this case. Used only for |
| |
| special purposes such as debugging and troubleshooting. List of available commands |
| |
| will be shown by pressing >help command from telnet console. |
| |
| IP Address |
| • If DHCP mode is enabled, then all the field values for the Static IP mode are not |
| |
| used (even though they are still saved in the Flash memory.) The HT503 will acquire |
| |
| its IP address from DHCP in the network. |
| • PPPoE settings are usually for DSL/ADSL modem users. The HT503 will attempt to |
| |
| establish a PPPoE session if PPPoE account is set. |
| • If Static IP mode is selected, the IP address, Subnet Mask, Default Router IP |
| |
| address, DNS Server 1 (mandatory), DNS Server 2 (optional) fields need to be |
| |
| configured. |
| |
| |
| DHCP hostname |
| This option specifies the name of the client. This field is optional but may be required |
| |
| by some Internet Service Providers. Default is blank. |
| |
| DHCP domain |
| This option specifies the domain name that client should use when resolving |
| |
| hostnames via the Domain Name System. Default is blank. |
| |
| DHCP vendor class ID |
| This option is used by clients and servers to exchange |
| |
| Default is blank. |
| PPPoE account ID |
| PPPoE username. Necessary if your ISP requires you to use a | PPPoE (Point to Point |
| Protocol over Ethernet) connection |
| PPPoE password |
| PPPoE account password |
| |
| PPPoE Service name |
| This field is optional. If your ISP uses a service name for the PPPoE connection, enter |
| |
| the service name here. Default is blank. |
| Preferred DNS |
| The address of your preferred DNS server. |
| |
| Time Zone |
| This parameter controls how the displayed date/time will be adjusted according to the |
| |
| specified time zone. |
| |
| Self Defined Time Zone |
| The syntax is: std offset dst [offset], start [/time], end [/time] |
| |
| Default is set to: MTZ+6MDT+5,M3.2.0,M11.1.0 |
| MTZ+6MDT+5, |
| This indicates a time zone with 6 hours offset with 1 hour ahead which is U.S central |
| |
| time. If it is positive (+) if the local time zone is west of the Prime Meridian and |
| |
| negative |
| Prime Meridian (A.K.A: International or Greenwich Meridian) |
| |
| M3.2.0,M11.1.0 |
| The 1st number indicates Month: 1,2,3.., 12 (for Jan, Feb, .., Dec) |
| |
| The 2nd number indicates the nth iteration of the weekday: (1st Sunday, 3rd Tuesday…) |
| |
| The 3rd number indicates weekday: 0,1,2,..,6( for Sun, Mon, Tues,..,Sat) |
| |
| Therefore, this example is the DST which starts from the second Sunday of March to |
| |
| the 1st Sunday of November. |
| Language |
| Languages supported with the voice prompt. |
| |
| Device Mode |
| This parameter controls whether the device is working in NAT router mode or Bridge |
| |
| mode. Save the setting and reboot prior to configuring the HT503. |
| |
| |
| NAT Maximum Ports |
| The number of ports that can be managed while in NAT router mode. |
| |
| Range: 0 – 4096, default is 1024. Typically one port per connection. |
| |
| |
| NAT TCP Timeout |
| NAT TCP idle timeout in seconds. Connection will be closed after preconfigured, |
| |
| timeout if not refreshed. |
| Range: 0 - 3600 |
| Grandstream Networks, Inc. |
| HT503 User Manual | Page 20 of 38 |
| Firmware | Last Updated: 06/2011 |