After you select the desired range, press the PWR key to clear the display. If you wait a few seconds, it will automatically clear.
This unit has the following ranges:
10, 20, 40, 60, 120, 240, 480, and 900 feet.
5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 100, 200, and 300 meters.
The zoom feature enlarges all echoes on the screen. If the unit is in the automatic mode, it tracks the bottom signal, always keeping it near the bottom of the screen. This lets you see small detail, at the same time enlarging all echoes that appear on the screen. The unit doesn’t track the bottom in the manual mode, and the adjustments are slightly different.
Zoom - Automatic Operation
To zoom the display, first press the MENU key until the RANGE/ZOOM menu appears as shown at right. Now press the down arrow key. This switches the unit into the zoom mode. A new menu immediately appears as shown below.
This is the zoom size menu. Zoom size is the distance between the upper limit and the lower limit. The upper limit shows at the top left corner of the screen. The lower limit is in the bottom left corner. For example, if the upper limit is 40 feet and the lower limit is 70 feet, the zoom window size is 30 feet. The word “TRACK” appears in this menu when you first activate the zoom as shown at right.