SART (Search and Rescue Transponder)
A Search and Rescue Transponder (SART) may be triggered by any
When the radar to the SART is reduced to about 1 n.miles, the radar display may show also the 12 respopnses generated during the fast sweeps. These additional dot responses, which also are equaly spaced by 0.64 nautical miles, will be interspersed with the original line of 12 dots. They will appear slightly weaker and smaler than the original dots.
Screen A: When SART | Screen B: When SART |
is distant | is close |
Radar antenna beamwidth
SART mark
9500 MHz
Radar receiver
9200 MHz
7.5 µsSweep time 95 µs
Low frequency sweep signal
Sweep starting
Fast sweep signal
Showing SART marks on the radar display
To show the SART marks only on the radar display, detune the radar receiver by the manual tuning out of best tuning condition. This erases or weakens all normal radar ech- oes, but, the SART marks are not erased because the SART response signal scans over all frequencies in the 9 GHz band. When the radar approaches the SART in operation, the SART marks will enlarge to large arcs, blurring a large part of the screen. Reduce the sensitivity and adjust the sea clutter control of the radar.
iv | iii |