FIG. 12 – Adding the Cabin Top | FIG. 13 – Beveling the Pilot House |
| Shape to fit window |
| Mark |
| Fit |
FIG. 14 – Completing Assembly of the Pilot House
cil, then drill holes for the rail stanchions and the towing light mast.
7. Pilot House
The pilot house is also a
8. Smoke Stack, Whistle, and Steam Vent Pipe
Smoke stack parts include a wooden stack dowel, Britannia casting base and "T" emblems, brass rings and chain guys, and Britannia whistle and vent pipe (see Figure 15 ).
You may need to bore out the base a little to receive the stack dowel. Fit the brass rings over the dowel as shown. Drill a hole for the "T" emblems, and holes for the guy chain eyes at the mid ring. Insert a
Install the stack, making sure it is verti- cal and has the proper rake aft (see the
FIG. 15 – Vent Pipe
plan). File the bottom of the base if nec- essary. Attach the chains to the cabin top with similar staples.
9. Boat and Davits
The boats can be positioned as shown on the plan or moved closer to the cabin edge.The boat can be either on the port or starboard side. If at the cabin edge, you could scratch build a small skylight for the engine room. The kit box photo shows an old wooden ladder atop the cabin. Be inventive!
Make a cover for the boat out of fine cloth or paper (see Figure 16). The boat can be hung from the davits using thread or a piece of brass wire.
10. Mast and Towing Lanterns
Fit the mast through a hole in the cabin top, but first install a hanger from brass wire into the mast for the lantern hal- liard (see Figure 17). The halliard can be thread or brass wire. Notice on the kit box photo, a small block was added at
FIG. 16 – Boat Covering
FIG. 17 – Lantern Halliard
the top for the halliard. It gives the model that extra touch.
11. Ladders
Add the port and starboard ladder going up to the cabin top. The top should be curved as a hand rail.
12. Stowage Chests
Install the forward stowage chest for- ward of the main cabin, and the lifebelt