stowage chest aft of the smoke stack. Glue with epoxy to set them securely.
13. Rail Stanchions
The rail stanchions fit into the holes you drilled on the cabin top. After gluing, feed the brass railing wire through the stan- chions and touch with a little super glue.
14. Running Lights and Eagle
Make sure you have the lights painted the correct color. Remember Port (like wine) is red. The eagle is installed on the pilot house front.
15. Name Boards and Lettering
You could name this boat anything you like. TAURUS is Model Shipways name for a typical tug. The name can be hand painted, or you can use dry transfer let- tering from an art store.
16. Side Fenders
On the real boats, fenders were made from old railroad ties or
After all is done, look over your prize and touch up paint if necessary. Make a final check with the plan to see that you have included all parts. Add the water to your baseboard if you have not al- ready done so.
Your model is now complete. Don't hesitate to call Model Expo when you are ready to begin your next modeling endeavor.