Bridge/Nut Locations
The correct distances between the inside edge of the nut, the center of the 12th fret and the center of the bridge saddle slot are crucial to the perfor- mance of this guitar. Figure 7 shows the correct distances.
To determine the correct bridge/nut loca- tions:
1.Position the center of the bridge saddle slot exactly 325mm away from the center of the 12th fret (Figure 6).
12th Fret
2.Using a pencil, lightly mark the guitar body where the front edge of the bridge is locat- ed.
3.When placed against the end of the finger- board, the edge of the nut should be exactly 325mm from the center of the 12th fret (Figure 6).
4.Attach pieces of sewing thread to the 1st and the 6th nut string slots and tape the opposite ends over the corresponding string slots on the bridge.
5.Adjust the bridge so there is an equal amount of space between the fingerboard edges and the threads (Figure 7).
Figure 7. Positioning the bridge across the width
of the guitar.
6.Using a pencil, lightly mark the guitar body where the side edges of the bridge are located. Note—DO NOT glue the bridge to the body at this time.
Figure 6. Saddle slot positioned correctly in
relation to the 12th fret.
H3122 Classical Guitar Kit |