Europa User Guide | Common problems |
10. Common problems
I can’t get any sound out of Europa from the local keyboard
In order, check the following and try playing local keys at each step to see what cures the problem:
•Verify that the volume is turned up to an acceptable level
•Does sound come out with headphones plugged in to the PHONES jack on the back of the Jupiter 6?
•If using the balanced or ¼” outputs on the back of the Jupiter 6, is the mixer it is connected to powered and the track nonmuted?
•Is local mode enabled? Press and hold TAPE. Make sure the A LED is lit solid (local mode enabled if it is). If it isn’t, while still holding TAPE, press A to turn local mode back on
•Is the arpeggiator turned on? If it is, shut it off for the sake of testing
•Is the board in SPLIT mode? Is the SPLIT point reasonable? Press and hold one of the KEY MODE buttons (SPLIT 4/2, SPLIT 2/4, WHOLE) and press a key, such as middle C (indicated by the white arrow on the front panel that points to the keyboard) to set a reasonable SPLIT point
•Has an external sequencer sent a continuous controller 7 (Volume) to Europa? Europa responds to board level volume control where the Roland code did not. Power cycle the Jupiter 6 to clear this condition, though if this is cures the problem, check with the sequencer documentation for volume change information. Europa will restore the Jupiter 6 to full volume after each power cycle
•Does the current patch make a sound? Try recalling other patches
•Is the HOLD LED on? If so, shut it off
•Turn voice watch mode on by pressing and holding TAPE and ensuring the E LED is lit solid. If not, press it to turn on voice watch. Press some keys on the local keyboard. Do any of the
•Set Poly 1 mode. With voice watch still enabled, repeatedly press a single key. The
•As a last resort, restore factory patches by powering off the Jupiter 6, holding the BENDER button and turning on the Jupiter 6. A boot code of
If no sound is heard at this point, then most likely one or both of the sound boards is at fault.
Europa won’t respond to MIDI
Europa has many additional features that the Roland code does not. A handful of these features can expose problems that have existed all along that were not possible to see on a synthesizer with a brain dead MIDI implementation.
•Ensure the Jupiter 6 has proper MIDI connectivity. Is there an IN cable plugged in? Does the TUNE LED blink with receive activity? If not, then check the sequencer or the master device for problems
•If the tune light blinks, is the correct MIDI channel selected? Most Roland code would allow reception on any MIDI channel (OMNI mode). Europa will not respond in OMNI mode. MIDI Data must be received on the set MIDI channel (described in the section Setting the Jupiter 6’s base MIDI channel) for Europa to respond to it
•Is the memory protect switch on? Was the channel set earlier but now is set to some other channel? Make sure the memory protect switch is turned off, otherwise Europa cannot memorize any board settings (such as the MIDI channel)
•Europa responds to continuous controller # 7 (volume). Roland code does not. Is the sequencer sending out a volume control change that is muting or reducing the volume of the voices? Most sequencers set volume values on sequence start. Ensure the volume value is set in the sequencer to something reasonable (try 127 – the maximum – for full volume output)
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