Configuration options and action functions | Europa User Guide |
Continuous Controller Transmit (B) – Default: Enabled
Enables or disables Europa from transmitting MIDI continuous controllers when knobs, sliders, or buttons are pressed on the Jupiter 6’s front panel. Continuous controllers are intended for use in sequences due to the shortness of the associated MIDI messages. For patch based continuous controllers, parameters will only be changed on the voice boards and not the patch edit. For preset based continuous controllers, parameters will be changed in both the preset edit and the voice boards. The continuous controller’s meanings are documented in the Europa MIDI Implementation chapter.
System Exclusive Transmit (C) – Default: Disabled
Enables or disables Europa from transmitting MIDI system exclusive messages when knobs, sliders, or buttons are pressed on the Jupiter 6’s front panel. System exclusive messages are designed for patch editors/librarians rather than performance due to the length of the system exclusive message. When played back to Europa, system exclusive messages will cause the current edit buffer to be changed as well as the affected voice board (if applicable) – just as if it was being changed from the front panel. The continuous controller’s meanings are documented in the Europa MIDI Implementation chapter.
Velocity Transmit (D) – Default: Disabled
Enables or disables the velocity transmit function. When velocity transmit is enabled, moving the VCA
Voice watch (E) – Default: Disabled
Enables or disables the ability of watching which voices are being allocated. When enabled, the BANK
Voice #1 on 4 voice board |
Voice #2 on 4 voice board
Voice #3 on 4 voice board
Voice #4 on 4 voice board
Voice #1 on 2 voice board Voice #1 on 2 voice board
Figure 7 – Voice activity indication with voice watch mode (this example has 3 voices on)
When unison or any steal voice modes are enabled (described in the Voice assignment modes chapter), if a voice is reallocated to a new note, the LED will wink.
Voice watch mode is also useful for diagnosing missing or malfunctioning voices, and during operation, it is fun to watch!
Europa action functions
Europa uses the NUMBER
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