AKG Acoustics C 451 B manual Using Your Microphone

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4 Using Your Microphone

4.1Introduction The rod-shaped body, accurate response, and many matching accessories from AKG make it easy to use the microphone to pick up a wide range of different instruments.

• Read the hints below to get the best possible results.

4.2Proximity Effect Owing to their acoustic principle, unidirectional microphones exhibit what is called "proximity effect". This means that the low- frequency content of a sound signal will be progressively boost- ed as you move the microphone closer to the sound source.

Proximity effect begins to become audible at a working distance of about 2 feet (60 cm). Depending on the nature of the sound source, proximity effect may be desirable or a nuisance.

Place the microphone closer to the sound source to accentuate, or further away to reduce proximity effect.

4.3Feedback in Live Sound Situations

Fig. 3: Microphone placement for maximum gain before feedback.

Feedback results from part of the sound projected by a speaker being picked up by a microphone, fed to the amplifier, and pro- jected again by the speaker. Above a specific volume or “system gain” setting called the feedback threshold, the signal starts be- ing regenerated indefinitely, making the sound system howl and the sound engineer desperately dive for the master fader to re- duce the volume and stop the howling.


C 451 B

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Contents 451B Inhaltsverzeichnis Sicherheit und Umwelt Sicherheit Umwelt 451 BSoundtool Case klein BeschreibungEinleitung IECBeschreibung Siehe Abb AnschlussTomspeisung an Abb Anschluss an symmetrischen EingangPhantomspeisung SymmetrischerEingang ohne Siehe Abb SAnwendung Rückkopplung bei Beschallungsanlagen451 B Vorabschwächung Reinigung Oberfläche Nem mit Wasser befeuchteten TuchEinsatzbereit Technische Daten SpeisespannungTable of Contents Safety and Environment Safety Environment 451 BDescription Description With Phantom Power XLR input with phantom power InterfacingWith No Phantom PowerBalanced Input Refer to pUsing Your Microphone Read the hints below to get the best possible resultsPad SwitchRefer to on If you are miking up an ex PreattenuationCleaning WindscreenEquivalent noise level to IEC 60268-4 A-weighted 18 dB-A Frequency ResponsePolar pattern Cardioid Frequency range Sommaire Sécurité et écologie Sécurité Ecologie 451 BImmédiatement votre fournisseur AKG AccessoiresFournitures Soundtool Case petit OptionnelsNiques incontestables d’une telle construction. Le Hz ou 150 Hz 12 dB/octave DescriptionSuccincte Une extrême précisionRaccordement Fantôme mentation fantômeReporter à la notice de l’équipement utilisé Entrée Sans alimentationFantôme Sur une entrée asymétriqueUtilisation Réaction acoustique Dans les systèmes de sonorisation451 B Voir Préatténuation Commutateur de préatténuationNettoyage Caractéristiques techniques Courbe de fréquencesIndice Sicurezza ed ambiente SicurezzaDotazione Soundtool Case piccolo AccessoriDescrizione Zione phantom secondo IECDescrizione Collegamento Microfonico XLRVedi fig Ad un ingresso asimmetrico Asimmetrico Tore phantom AKG B 18 opzionale Zione phantom Vedi pIngresso Trico senza alimentaDi sonorizzazione ImpiegoCompensato piazzando il microfono in modo idoneo Reazione nei sistemiEs. dagli altoparlanti monitor 451 B PreattenuazioneVerso il basso PuliziaDei bassi Del corpo Panno inumidito con acquaDirettività Cardioide Risposta in frequenza Diagramma polareRisposta in frequenza Tensione di alimentazioneÍndice Seguridad y medio ambiente Seguridad Medio ambiente 451 BDescripción Ponentes transitorios de señales Filtro en 75 Hz ó 150 Hz 12 dB/octava DescripciónResumida Quier condiciónConexión Alimentación micrófono con conectores XLRVer . Modo de empleo del aparato correspondiente Fantasma Entrada balanceAda sin alimentación Ver pAplicaciones Plazamiento del micrófono RetroalimentaciónEn sistemas de sonorización Fono para cortar la retroalimentación MenDesde atrás p. ej. altavoces monitor La preatenuaciónLimpieza Diagrama polar Respuesta de frecuenciaTensión de alimentación Índice Segurança e meio ambiente Segurança Meio ambiente 451 BApresentação 451B é o famoso microfone condensador da AKG C 451EB Conexão Veja . do equipamento ao qual o microfone está ligadoBlindagem do cabo Nana monoVeja fig DesbalanceadaAplicação Cionamento do microfone Realimentação Em sistemas de somFrente do palco 451 B PreatenuaçãoLimpeza BaixoDa carcaça Molhado em água Resposta de freqüência 355 Pa / 145 dB SPL 10 dB de atenuaçãoAlimentação elétrica Notizen Notes Notes Note Notas Notas Notizen Notes Notes Note Notas Notas