Making Measurements Using Spectrum Analyzer Mode
Using the Gate Utility to Simplify
The gate utility can optimize the setting of resolution bandwidth if the user enters the value of the pulse width and turns on the coupling. The video bandwidth will be optimized if the gate length is entered and coupled. The sweep time is optimized when the pulse repetition interval is entered and coupled.
Press Define Coupling . Then press Pulse Param to enter the pulse parameters. (This activates the time domain window and turns off the time gate.) If pulse parameters have previously been entered, the values will be displayed.
13.Use the ENTER REF EDGE , ENTER WIDTN , and ENTER PRI softkeys to enter the pulse parameters. These parameter entry tools allow pulse parameters to be entered using a marker or through the keypad. Press Previous Menu to return to the coupling menu.
14.Press CPL RBW ON OFF (ON) to turn on the resolution bandwidth
coupling. Press CPL VBW ON OFF (ON), and CPL SWP ON OFF (ON) to turn on the video bandwidth and sweep time coupling.
15.Press Main Menu and look at the signal in the time domain window.
16.Press UPDATE TIMEFREQ so that FREQ is underlined or press m), to activate the frequency window instead of the time domain window. (If the gate was not on when the user left the frequency window, it may be necessary to press Define Gate and GATE ON OFF (ON) to turn the gate on again.)
If the gate menus are exited without turning the gate utility off (by pressing another front panel key), press the @EiF) key twice to return to the last gate utility menu used.