HP B&&W PRINTER, 6-131
HP-IB address, 6-16
HP-IB cable, 9-8
HP-IB interface connector, 2-Q
HP-IB (Option OZI), 9-3
HP PaintJet, 6- 105
1identifying distortion products, 4-30 identify the signal
FFT, 6-133 IDNUM, 6-3, 6-81
impact cover (Option 040), Q-4 impulse noise
measurement, 4-27
increase frequency readout resolution, 4-9 informational messages, 8-14
INIT FLT, 6-3, 6-81 initial inspection, 1-5 INPUT 75 R, 2-5 input and output
auxiliary control, B-19 input attenuation control, 6-17 input impedance, 6-8 1 INPUT Z 5On 750, 6-81 inserting a memory card, 2-27 installation, external keyboard, 3-68 installation manual
see User’s Guide, 9-6 instrument preset, 6- 112 instrument, st,ate, 2-4 intensity control, 2-5 interface connectors, 2-9 intermodulation distortion, third order, 4-34 INTERNAL CARD, 6-82
INTERNAL i STATE, 6-82 Internal 4 Trace, 6-82
K keyboard
external keyboard functions, 3-65 keyboard, external, 3-65 keyboard operation, external, 3-68
key functions, external keyboard, 3-65 key menus, 7-2
knob, 2-5, 2-10