The analyzer functions that appear on the display and are selected by pressing
narrowband response
A response measured under conditions in which there is only one spectral component at a time in the passband of an analyzer’s resolution filter. This condition occurs for continuous wave signals and repetitive signals whose repetition rate is greater than about twice the resolution bandwidth of the analyzer. Note that a signal can have a spread spectrum and still be viewed in the narrowband mode on the analyzer. The same checks that were listed under broadband response are used here but with different results :
•Change the frequency span. The frequency separation of the components remains unchanged.
•Change the resolution bandwidth. The amplitude of the responses does not change with resolution bandwidth changes (as long as the bandwidth remains narrow relative to the separation of the responses).
•Change the sweep time. The separation of the responses is independent of sweep time.
•Change the video bandwidth. The amplitude of the responses is unaffected by changes in video bandwidth.
negative peak
The minimum, instantaneous value of an incoming signal. On digital displays, each displayed point of the signal indicates the minimum value of the signal for that part of the frequency span or time interval represented by the point.
noise figure
The ratio, usually expressed in dB, of the
Glossary- 17