Spectrum Analyzer Mode Key Descriptions

Spectrum Analyzer Mode Functions

recalls limit-line tables from the current mass-storage device (analyzer memory or memory card). To verify the current

mass-storage device, press RECALL LIMIT If MAX REG # appears on the analyzer display, the current mass-storage device is analyzer memory. If PREFIX= is displayed, the memory card is the mass-storage device. Press m or

C-1, then INTERNAL CARD to change the current mass-storage device. To recall a limit line, enter the register number that the limit-line tables was saved under, then press (ENTER]. When recalling a limit line from the memory card, it may be necessary to change the current prefix

to the prefix with which the limit line was stored. Press Change Prefix to change the current preEx. When saved in analyzer memory, the register number is restricted to the range between 0 and the number x indicated by MAX REG# = x. The screen title is not recalled with the limit-line tables.

Front-Panel Key Access CD’SPLAYI)

allows the reference level to be changed. This function is activated when (j-1 is pressed. The reference level is the amplitude power or voltage represented by the top graticule line on the screen. Changing the value of the reference level changes the absolute amplitude level (in dBmV) of the top graticule line. Pressing any digit, 0 through 9, on the numeric keypad brings up the selected terminator menu.

Front-Panel Key Access (-1
