L label, softkey, 2-4 laserjet plots, 6-l 10 LAST SPAN, 6-83 length
level triggering, gate control, 6-76 LIMIT FAIL, 3-33
limit-line functions, 3-39-48 limit lines, 3-33
amplitude coordinate, 3.44 cataloging, 6-30 creating, 3-34, 3-38 delete segment, 6-53 displaying, 3-48, 6-85 edit done, 6-59
editing, 3-37
edit lower table, 6.60
edit mid/delta amplitude, 6.61 edit table, 6-60
edit upper and lower tables, 6-62 edit upper table, 6-62
fixed, 3-40
fixed and relative, 6-83 flat type, 6-73 frequency or time, 3-40
frequency or time coordinate, 3.44 point, 6-110
purge, 6-118 recall table, 6-121 relative, 3-40 save table, 6-126 segment number, 3-43 SEGMENT TYPE, 3-46 select amplitude, 6.127 select delta amplitude, 6-127 select frequency, 6.128 select frequency or time, 6.85 select lower amplitude, 6-128 select middle amplitude, 6-128 select segment, 6-129
select time, 6-130 select type, 6-130
select upper amplitude, 6-130 slope type, 6-135
table format, 3-41 table type, 3-40 testing, 3-48, 6-86 upper and lower, 3-49 using RECALL LIMIT, 3-48