selects between spectrum analyzer memory and the memory card for the save and recall functions.
Front-Panel Key Access [RECALL_) or m
recalls the saved analyzer state from the selected state register. Recalling a state from the analyzer memory displays the time and date when the state data was stored. To recall a state, press INTERNAL + STATE and use the numeric keypad to enter a state register number (valid state register numbers are 1 through 9). State register 9 contains a previous state; state register 0 contains the current state. If windows are being used, the instrument state can only be recalled into the active window.
Front-Panel Key Access [RECALL_)
accesses a softkey menu that allows you to either select the trace in which the trace data is to be recalled (trace A, trace B, or trace C), recall the current limit-line tables, or recall amplitude correction factors. When recalling a trace, select the trace in which the trace data is to be recalled, enter the trace register number, and press Cm). If windows are being used, only the trace of the active window can be recalled.
When recalling limit-line tables or amplitude correction factors, press LIMIT LINES or AMP COR respectively, enter the trace register number, and press CENTER). Valid trace register numbers are 0 through the maximum register number. The maximum register number is the number displayed after MAX REG # = during a save or recall operation. If a screen title is present, it is recalled with the trace data (but not with the limit-line table or the amplitude-correction factors). If the screen title does not exceed 34 characters, the time and date when the data was stored will also be displayed. INVALID SAVEREG is displayed if data has not been stored in the trace register.
Front-Panel Key Access (ii]