p PaintJet printer, 6-131 PAINTJET PRINTER, B-105 PAL, 6-105
PAL-M, 6-106
PAL video format, 6-141 PARAM AUTO MAN, 6-106 pass code, 6-50
next, 6- 100 next left, 6-100 next right, 6-100
peak detection mode positive/negative, 6-55
PEAK EXCURSN, 6-106 Peak Menu, 6- 107
peak response routine, 6-148 peak search
outside of the zone, 6-155, 6.156 PEAK SEARCH, 2-19, 6.107
peak table, 6-109 mode, 6-108 sorting, 6-109 using, 3-6-7
peak to peak measurement, 6-91 PEAK ZOOM, 6-108
percent amplitude modulation, 6-6 measurement, 5-61
percent amplitude moduIation measurement, 5-59 phase lock on/off, 6-6
q5 LOCK ON OFF, 6-4, 6-6 PK MODE <>DL NRM, 6-108 PK SORT FRQ AMP, 6-109 PK TABLE ON OFF, 6.109 Plot ConIig, 6-109
plot menu, 6- 110 plotter, 9-9
PLOTTER ADDRESS, 6- 109 plotter configuration, 6-44 plotter output, 6-109 plotting, 6-45, 6-48
HP-IB interface, l-30 laserjet, 1-37 RS-232, 1~22
plotting to laserjets, 6-l 10 PLT _ - LOC - -, 6-109 PLT MENU ON OFF, 6-l 10 PLTS/PG 1 2 4, 6-110 POINT, 3-46, 6-l 10 point deletion, 6-53