S p e c t r u m A n a l y z e r M o d e K e y D e s c r i p t i o n s

Spectrum Analyzer Mode Functions

When the on event programming commands have not been set, or when an instrument preset has been performed, pressing CATALOG ON EVENT displays the status of the on event programming commands as UNDEFINED. If the ONEOS, ONSWP, TRMATH, ONMKR, ONPWRUP, and ONSRQ commands have been set, pressing CATALOG ON EVENT displays their status as ACTIVE. When ONCYCLE, ONDELAY, or ONTIME have been set, pressing CATALOG ON EVENT displays the information in Table 6-4. (See Figure 6-3.)

Table 6-4. CATALOG ON EVENT Display Description


Description of CATALOG ON EVENT Display


ONCYCLE The number of seconds left until the event occurs, followed by the number of seconds ONCYCLE was set for .

ONDELAY CATALOG 0% EVEBfT displays either a positive number or negative number of seconds . A positive number indicates the number of seconds left until the event occurs . A negative number indicates the number of seconds that has passed since the event occurred .


T h e d a t e fin y e a r , m o n t h , a n d d a y f o r m a t ] a n d t h e t i m e fin 2 4 h o u r


format] that ONTIME is set for .

Front-Panel Key Access I-1 or ISAVE_)


Page 308
Image 308
HP Cable Box 8591C manual Front-Panel Key Access I-1 or Isave, Command