Spectrum Analyzer Mode Key Descriptions
Spectrum Analyzer Mode Functions
The center frequency must be set to the intended carrier frequency and the reference level set to optimize the displayed signal. The channel bandwidth and channel spacing must be entered by the user. If PARAM AUTO is selected (so AUTO is underlined), other analyzer settings will then be coupled and set automatically. The adjacent channel power measurement responds to signals like an rms power measurement. This means that the measurement of the total channel power and the adjacent channel power ratios are accurately reported, whether the transmitted signal contains tones, noise, or both. If PARAM AUTO is selected the parameters of the instrument state are set
for a valid measurement. When using PARAM MAN, the following conditions must be maintained to make a valid rms measurement. If these conditions are not met, errors of up to
•Video bandwidth is at least 10 times the resolution bandwidth.
•Detector mode is sample (SMP). (You can use DETECTOR SMP PK to select the detector mode.)
•Resolution bandwidth is less than or equal to 100 kHz.
•Video averaging is OFF.
•Neither MAX HOLD nor MIN HOLD trace mode is selected.
measures the power leakage into the adjacent channels and calculates the adjacent channel power ratio of both the upper and lower channels, with respect to the reference channel. AD3 CHAN POWER extd has an extended dynamic
range compared with ADJ CHAM POWER The extended range is measured by taking two different sweeps with different reference levels and combining the trace data. The displayed dynamic range is 104 dB and the log scale is set to 13 dB/ division.
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