U s i n g S p e c t r u m A n a l y z e r F e a t u r e s

Using limit-line Functions

9. Specify the first limit-line segment by using the following key sequence:

More 2 of 2





10.Repeat the above step for the values listed in the following table to complete the limit-line table. (It is not necessary to repeat the SELECT FREQ softkey for successive entries.)


iegmen Frequency bw l o w e r TYPO

NumberAmplitude Amplitude


2290 M H z - 5 dBmV - 2 0 dBmV Slope

3295 MHz 34 dBmV - 2 0 dBmV Slope

4297 M H z 34 dBmV - 2 0 dBmV Slope

5 300 M H z 34 dBmV 2 0 dBmV Slope

6303 M H z 34 dBmV - 2 0 dBmV Slope

7305 M H z 34 dBmV - 2 0 dBmV Slope

83 1 0 M H z - 5 dBmV - 2 0 dBmV Flat

9400 M H z - 5 dBmV - 2 0 dBmV Point



When entering a limit-line segment, the frequency, and amplitude values will be listed as asterisks (***I until new values are entered. The new segment will be listed last until both the frequency and amplitude values have been entered. Once the frequency and at least one amplitude value are entered, the segment will be sorted into the limit-line table according to frequency
