Spectrum Analyzer Mode Key Descriptions

Spectrum Analyzer Mode Functions

accesses the marker control softkeys which select the type and number of markers and turn them on and off. Markers are diamond-shaped characters that identify points of traces and allow the traces to be manipulated and controlled on the screen. During manual operation, four markers may appear on the display simultaneously; only one can be controlled at a time. The marker that is controlled is called the “active” marker. Pressing m activates the MARKER NORMAL softkey.

(read “marker to”) accesses the softkeys used for the transfer of marker information directly into other functions.

accesses the marker function softkeys. These softkeys can be used to access the marker table and to turn on marker functions for tracking the signal and counting its frequency. Noise markers and the marker pause function are also accessed under (jjFCTN).


accesses the softkey menu for selecting screen title or prefix characters M through R.

Front-Panel Key Access ICAL), (j-1, (DISPLAY), (RECALL), or (SAVE)

changes the softkey menus for the spectrum-analyzer mode and other modes of operation when SPECTRUM ANALYZER

(located under (PRESET)) and PRESET SPECTRUM are selected, respectively. Other modes are available using the downloadable measurement personalities. The HP 8572 1A cable television measurements personality is an example of these modes. Consult the documentation accompanying the personality for information about these other modes of operation.

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HP Cable Box 8591C manual Mnopqr