Spectrum Analyzer Mode Key Descriptions
Spectrum Analyzer Mode Functions
switches the active window between the two displayed windows, if the windows display mode has been turned on. The active window is marked by solid lines.
If the zoom function has been used to expand an active window to the full screen, the INEXT) key still switches the active window between the two windows. The windows remain zoomed (full screen) so the inactive window is not displayed as the active window is switched.
places the marker on the next highest peak. The signal peak must exceed the threshold value. (Also see the PEAK EXCURSN and THRRSHLD ON OFF softkey descriptions.)
moves the marker to the next peak to the left of the current marker. The signal peak must exceed the threshold value. If there is no peak to the left, the marker will not move. (Also see the PEAK EXCURSN and THRESHLD ON OFF softkey descriptions.)
moves the marker to the next peak to the right of the current marker. The signal peak must exceed the threshold value. If there is no peak to the right, the marker will not move. (Also see the PEAK EXCURSN and
THRESHLD 0% OFF softkey descriptions.)