Getting Started
Getting Acquainted with the Analyzer
12AUX INTERFACE provides a
13Interface connectors interfaces for
14AUX IF OUTPUT is a 50 62, 2 1.4 MHz IF output that is the
15AUX VIDEO OUTPUT provides detected video output (before the
16EXT TRIG INPUT (TTL) accepts the positive edge of an external voltage input that triggers the cable TV analyzer internal sweep source.
17HIGH SWEEP IN/OUT (TTL) indicates when the cable TV analyzer is sweeping or can be grounded to stop sweeping.
18EXT KEYBOARD connector is provided with the interface connector. The external keyboard is not included with the cable TV analyzer. The external keyboard can be used to enter screen titles, prefixes, remote commands, and writing simple DLP’s.
Turn off the cable TV analyzer before connecting an external keyboard to the cable TV analyzer. Failure to do so may result in loss of
19SWEEP OUTPUT provides a voltage ramp proportional to the sweep and the cable TV analyzer span (0 V to 10 V).
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