If You Have a Problem
Error Messages
The speciEed parameter is not recognized by the cable TV analyzer. See the appropriate programming command description to determine the correct parameters. (U)
Indicates that the function cannot be accessed without the pass code. (U)
Indicates the
Indicates that the frequency reference is not locked to the external reference input. Check that the 10 MHz REF OUT connector is connected to the EXT REF IN connector, or, when using an external reference, that an external 10 MHz reference source of sufficient amplitude is connect to the EXT REF IN connector. (U) and (H)
Require 1 signal > PEAK EXCURSION above THRESHOLD Indicates that the N dB PTS routine cannot locate a signal that is high enough to measure. The signal must be greater than the peak excursion above the threshold level to measure. (U)
Require 3 signals > PEAK EXCURSION above THRESHOLD
Indicates that the % AM routine cannot locate three signals that are high enough to measure. The signals must be greater than the peak excursion above the threshold level to measure. (U)
Require 4 signals > PEAK EXCURSION above THRESHOLD Indicates that the TO1 routine cannot locate four signals that are high enough to measure. The signals must be greater than the peak excursion above the threshold level to measure. (U)
Required option not installed Some cable TV analyzer functions require that an option be installed in the cable TV analyzer. See the description for the function in Chapter 9 for more information about which option is required. (U)
Indicates the noise floor level is incorrect at the indicated bandwidth. (H)
Indicates the 3 dB bandwidth is not within speciEcations. (H)