Spectrum Analyzer Mode Key Descriptions

Spectrum Analyzer Mode Functions


C o n t r o l


Option 107 or@.

accesses the menu of gate control functions and the entrance to the gate utility menus. The gate can be controlled independently or from within the gate utility. The gate utility makes it easier to set up and manipulate the gate.

When the gate control functions are accessed under the Gate Control menu, outside of the gate utility, they do not interact with the gate utility. Values that are changed using these keys will not affect the gate utility settings and graphics unless the utility is entered with the new settings.

Front-Panel Key Access [SWEEP]

Option 107 only.

determines if the gate is enabled on the edge of the trigger input or on a threshold level of the input signal. If the gate control is set to EDGE, the edge of the input signal triggers the timer for the gate delay. When the gate control is set to LVL, the gate follows the positive level of the signal connected to GATE TRIGGER INPUT.

When the gate control is set to level, the functions of gate delay and gate length no longer apply and therefore, the GATE DELAY, GATE LENGTH,and EDGE POL POS NEG softkeys are blanked. The gate utility does not allow level triggering. The gate will automatically be set to edge trigger on entry to the gate utility.

Front-Panel Key Access (SWEEP)


Page 352
Image 352
HP Cable Box 8591C manual Gale N t r o l, Gate CTL Edge LVL