U s i n g S p e c t r u m A n a l y z e r F e a t u r e s

learn How to Enter Amplitude Correction Factors


14:85:24 AUG 18, 1992



Figure 3-13. Amplitude-Correction Points


Description of Items in Figure 3-13

1Frequencies below first point use first amplitude level.

2First segment interpolated with the 10 dB amplitude level.

3Frequency and amplitude coordinate that starts the second segment .

4 T h i r d s e g m e n t i n t e r p o l a t e d w i t h t h e - 1 0 dB a m p l i t u d e l e v e l .

5Frequency and amplitude coordinate that starts the fourth segment .


Page 154
Image 154
HP Cable Box 8591C manual Amplitude-Correction Points