Spectrum Analyzer Mode Key Descriptions
Spectrum Analyzer Mode Functions
As an example, assume you have a frequency limit line. If the limit line is specified as fixed, entering a limit-line segment with a frequency coordinate of 300 MHz displays the limit-line segment at 300 MHz. If the same limit-line table is specified as relative, it is displayed relative to the analyzer center frequency and reference level. If the center frequency is at 1.2 GHz, a relative limit-line segment with a frequency coordinate of 300 MHz will display the limit-line segment at 1.5 GHz. If the amplitude component of the relative limit-line segment is - 10 dB, then - 10 dB is added to the reference level value to obtain the amplitude of the given component (reference level offset included).
RELATIVE is displayed in the limit-line table when the limit-line type is relative; FIXED is displayed when limit-line type is fixed.
A limit line entered as fixed may be changed to relative, and one entered as relative may be changed to fixed. When changing between fixed and relative limit-lines, the frequency and amplitude values in the limit-line table change so that the limit line remains in the same position for the current frequency and amplitude settings of the analyzer. If a time and amplitude limit line is used, the amplitude values change but the time values remain the same.
Front-Panel Key Access (j-1