AmpliVox S905 Special Features, Fuses, Record/Line Out, Line Insert, External Speaker Output

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microphone types, but only one microphone or instrument can be plugged into each channel at a time.

You can add pre-recorded music during your presentations by using the internal CD or tape player. In addition, external sources such as a computer or MP3 player can be used by connecting to the RCA jacks. Channel 3 Volume Control controls the volume for units connected to these inputs. It is recommended to use only one of these devices at a time.


This provides the output of the mixer. To record or connect to a house PA system, External Equalizer, Audio Mixer, or Amplivox S1292 powered companion speaker, connect the LINE OUT on the amplifier, to the input on an external recorder or PA system. This jack functions the same as a signal “send”. (See Special Features Section)


Use this jack to supply a signal directly to the power amp. This jack functions as a signal “return”. Doing so will disconnect the mixer section of the TRAVEL AUDIO PRO and act as a power amplifier. See the “Special Features” section for more details. This is the input to use for the return signal from the Output of the Equalizer, Audio Mixer or other type of audio equipment connected in the paragraph above. (See Special Features Section)


This input allows for the use of an extra non-powered speaker. Care must be taken when using an external speaker. The speaker must be of suitable power handling and impedance. (100 Watts peak at 4 ohms)

CAUTION: Improper speaker selection could result in equipment damage or fire.


To facilitate this discussion, see the Front Panel Diagram on page 11 as we identify the following functional blocks:

Mixer stage – includes all the individual volume controls, input jacks (14”-XLR combo, 3.5mm, RCA) and mic/line & phantom power switches for the 5 input channels (2 internal wireless, 3 direct or corded) ‘Record/Line Out’ and ‘Line Insert’ stage – see below.

Output stage - includes the music/voice switch, treble, bass & master volume controls, power amps and speakers.

The TRAVEL AUDIO PRO panel has ¼” phone jacks labeled ‘Record/Line Out’ and ‘Line Insert’ respectively. ‘Record/Line Out’ provides a feed from the Mixer stage, but before this signal goes through the Output stage. In other words, this signal is not affected by settings on the music/voice switch, treble, bass & master volume controls. It can be used to drive an external recording device or another audio system.

The advantage to this configuration (pre-EQ & master volume) is that the external system’s own EQ & volume settings can be separately adjusted to suit its environment and the two systems do not interact with each other.

The ‘Line Insert’ jack works in two ways. When no plug is inserted it internally connects the Mixer to the Output. However, when a plug is inserted it disconnects the Mixer from the Output, replacing it with the external audio signal from the device the plug’s cable is attached to. In this configuration, the TRAVEL AUDIO PRO Output stage can be used to amplify a feed from an external mixer or playback device. For instance, assume a facility’s main meeting room has a built-in sound system, but the adjoining room for the overflow crowd has no system. A ‘Line Out’ feed from the house system could be plugged into the ‘Line Insert’ jack of a TRAVEL AUDIO PRO located in the overflow room. The TRAVEL AUDIO PRO’s EQ & master volume can then be adjusted to suit the overflow room’s conditions without any effect on the main system.

The other way this pair of jacks can be used is to insert an external device such as a graphic equalizer, echo/reverb machine or other audio processing device between the Mixer and Output stages of the TRAVEL AUDIO PRO. The ‘Record/Line Out’ on the ‘905 connects to the ‘Line In’ of the external device and its ‘Line Out’ connects to the ‘905 ‘Line Insert’. Remember from the above discussion that a plug in the ‘Line Insert’ jack breaks the direct internal connection from the Mixer so in effect the external device is electrically inserted between the 2 stages and becomes a functional block of the



There are two fuses in the TRAVEL AUDIO PRO. One is mounted in the Control panel (10A) next to the power switch and the other is in the AC input receptacle (2A). Replace them only with fuses of the same size (5x20mm), type and rating!!!

Amplivox part numbers

E071-0001, 120 VAC 10A, Wickmann 1952100 or




E071-0002, 120 VAC 2A, Wickmann 1951200 or







Image 5 AmpliVox S905, SW905 manual Special Features, Fuses, Record/Line Out, Line Insert, External Speaker Output
Contents Table of Contents Controls and Indicators SET UPSafety Cassette Player Inputs and Outputs Operating Compact Disc PlayerFuses Special FeaturesRECORD/LINE OUT Line InsertFront Panel Diagram Troubleshooting Serial # SpecificationsAmpliVox Sounds Systems LLC Mac Arthur Blvd Northbrook, IL