Button Section
The Button Section includes the assignment buttons (Force Ctrl, Logic In, Logic Out, Groups, Input Proc, Out Proc, Mute Ind) and the DSP buttons (Combine, Input EQ, Output EQ, Compress, Gate, Delay,
Force Ctrl
Click this button to open the Force Control window. Input Name: Enter a name for each channel
with the keyboard. It will accept up to 32 characters. Force On Level: Assign a
input, from OFF to +10 dB. Click and drag in the Force On Level box to change the
Activate: Choose between Logic In or Gate to activate the Force On or Force Off function. When Logic In is selected, an input can be forced on or forced off by configuring the Logic Input window, or by a remote control configured to force on or off an input. When Gate is selected, an input can be forced on or forced off when its Gate is open.
Force On Priority: Assign a priority level from 1 (highest) to 8 (lowest) for each channel’s
Force Off Level: A
Grp Name: Enter a name for each group with the keyboard. It will accept up to 32 characters.
Priority: Assign a priority level from 1 (highest) to 8 (lowest) for each group. The default setting is None. Assigning priority to groups is useful if you need to have, for example, a paging microphone force off background music in some zones, but not in others. In this case, assign the paging mic input to a Control Group with Priority 1 level, and a Control Group of designated outputs a Priority 2 or lower level. Note that Input Priority and Group Priority are separate functions, and the
Logic In
Click this button to open the Logic Input window. Make the following settings and assignments in the Logic Input window:
Name: Enter a name for each Logic Input, up to
Function: Select one of 8 different functions in
Action: Select whether the particular function selected is momentary, latch on, latch off, or toggling. The selections will vary depending on the function selected for the Logic Input.
Affected I/O: Select the Input, Output, or other parameter that is affected by the Logic function. The selections will vary depending on the function and action selected for the Logic Input.
See Appendix A for a chart of the Logic Input functional combinations available.
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