Front Panel Features

– This 7-band graphic EQ is used to customize the sound of the MONITOR mix output. This EQ section affects the signals found in the MONITOR (1/4”) jack and the speaker-level jack (when confi gured to MAIN L, R+MONITOR). The 7 slide controls each represent a frequency band: 125, 250, 500, 1K, 2K, 4K, and 8K. Each of the slide controls adjusts the audio level of its particular frequency with up to a 12dB boost or cut. If left in the center position, there will be no change to audio level the frequency. It is important to remember that EQ controls are meant to provide precise adjustments to an audio signal, and not overly infl ate a signal resulting in an unnatural sound. Human hearing can adapt quite quickly to a particular sound signature, so it is best to fi nd a suitable setting and leave it there until a change in the source audio or environment requires a change in the EQ.
30.MONITOR LEDs – These mono LEDs display the output level of the MONITOR mix. The LEDs are marked from –10dB to +6dB. It is important to monitor these LEDs as they can prevent a bloated audio signal and possible damage to your speakers. An optimal signal will be mostly contained to the green LEDs (up to 0dB), with occasional peaks into the fi rst red LED (+3dB). If the mix reaches +6dB, it is strongly advisable to reduce the MONITOR LEVEL control.
31.MONITOR LEVEL – This control adjusts the signal level of the MONITOR mix to be sent to the line-level outputs, MONITOR LEDs, and speaker-level output. This control provides a one-touch adjustment to the MONITOR mix, when the power amp assign is set to MAIN L,R+MONITOR output. When the MONITOR LEDs enter the +6dB range, use this control to make a quick adjustment.
32.DSP REV TO MONITOR – This control adjusts the amount of DSP effects that is applied to the MONITOR mix. This control is ideal for making quick on-the-fl y adjustments to the DSP effects level on the MONITOR mix, which is routed to the line-level outputs and speaker-level output. When confi guring your DSP effects, this control is used after the MASTER EFFECT LEVEL control in the DSP controls panel.