Rated Power & Load:
Power specs measured with T. Dynamics @ 10%
100 W RMS into 16, 8, or
4 ohms
Power @ Clipping: (typically)
(5% THD, 1 kHz, 120 V AC line)
100 W RMS into 16, 8, or
4 ohms
Frequency Response:
+O, 3 dB, 60 Hz to 20 kHz, @80WRMS
Hum & Noise:
Greater than 86 dB below rated power
Power Consumption:
Domestic: 300 W @ 60 Hz,
120 VAC
Export: 300 W @ 50/60 Hz,
The following specs are measured @
I kHz with the controls preset as follows: Push Bright, Off (out)
Channel Select Normal (out) Low& High @ 10
Mid 63 0 Presence @ 0 dB
Pre & Post Gain @ 10
Gain & Thrash, Off (out)
Normal Levels are with normal volume 625
Minimum Levels are with normal volume @ IO
Preamp High Gain Input:
Nominal Input Level:
Minimum Input Level:
Maximum Input Level: 0 dBV, 1 VRMS
Preamp Low Gain Input:
Nominal Input Level:
Minimum Input Level:
Maximum Input Level: 6 dBV, 2 V R M S
Effects Send:
Load Impedance: 1 K ohm or greater
Nominal Output Level:
0.3V RMS or 0 dBV, 1 V RMS if Effects Level is in
Effects Return:
Designed Input Level:
0.3V RMS or 0 dBV, 1 V RMS if Effects Level is in
(Switching jack provides Effects Send to
Effects Return connection when not used)
Preamp Output:
Load Impedance: 1 K ohm or greater
Nominal Output Level: 0 dBV, 1 VRMS
Power Amp Input:
Designed Input Level: 0 dBV, 1 VRMS
(Switching jack provides preamp output to power amp input connection when not
System Hum & Noise @
Nominal Input Level:
(20 Hz to 20 kHz un weigh ted)
72 dB below rated power
Special low, mid, & high passive type EQ
Presence: +6 dB @ 5 kHz
Push Bright: +6 dB @ 2 kHz
Push Thrash:
Push Gain: Increases Lead gain
Push Resonance: +6 dB @ cabinet resonance
External Footswitch Functions:
Lead Channel Defeat (when
selected with button)
Effects Loop Bypass
Dimensions & Weight:
10.25” H x 24.375” W x 11.25” D 35.7 Ibs.
Due to our eforts for constant improvements,
features and specl$cations listed herein are subject to change without notice.