Group mics together that
will be used together
Inputs 11/12 and 13/14 are designed for line level signals only. Use these inputs to connect CD players, tape players, audio from video sources, keyboards, or even an auxiliary mixer if necessary. These inputs are not affected by the SOLO or CHOIR group controls.
Stereo or mono Master operation
Monitor systems: the good, the bad, and the ugly
The monitor system can be the best part of the sound system, but it can also be the worst. Great care and discipline is required in the setup and adjustment of the monitor system so that it is an asset. What does a good monitor system do? A good monitor system allows musicians and singers to perform together by enabling them to clearly hear themselves and/or others. It may also enable the choir and other service participants to better hear and participate in the worship service.
By contrast, a poorly designed or adjusted monitor system can make it difficult to hear what is needed by including too much information or by emphasizing too much of the wrong thing. In addition, as the volume of the monitor system increases, it can overwhelm the main sound system making the overall sound unintelligible. Because it is another parallel sound system, a monitor system adds to the potential for acoustic feedback.
The key things to remember about monitors:
➧Get the sound to the people as directly as possible. (running everything through speakers 30 feet away is difficult and adds more “noise” to the room but this can work for applications like voice foldback to the choir)
➧Try to keep sound from the monitors out of the microphones. Speakers directed into the rear of directional mics can help. (This can be difficult, but do the best you can.)
➧Minimize the need for monitors by careful positioning of people and instruments.
➧Start with a good mix on the main sound system and add only the mics that are needed to the monitors.
➧Try to keep the levels low.