Chapter 4: Basic Operations
This icon indicates that you have the Track Delay function turned on. When in Edit Mode, this icon indicates that you are editing a tracks delay amount, which will appear in the TIME counter. A number (from 1 to 8) will appear next to the EDIT icon to indicate which track is being edited. The VU meters will also show a
When this icon appears, it indicates that the Auto Record function has been turned on. See page 48.
This icon indicates that the Rehearse function is turned on. See page 50.
This icon indicates that the Auto Play function is turned on. See page 48.
This icon indicates that the Auto Return function is turned on. See page 48.
When this icon appears, it indicates that the XT is slaving to an external timecode source coming from the master ADAT in a multiple ADAT system. See Chapter 5.
When this icon appears, it indicates that the transport is properly engaged in either playback or recording. When the XT is a slave in a multiple ADAT system, this icon will light to indicate that the tape is properly synchronized and the audio is sample locked to the timecode of the master ADAT machine. See chapter 5.
The CLOCK group of icons indicates which clock source is being used. The [CLOCK SELECT] button lets you toggle through the various options, including: INT 48K (internal clock at 48kHz), INT 44.1K (internal clock at
44.1kHz) and DIG (external clock source connected to the [DIGITAL IN] connector on the rear panel). Additionally, if the XT is being used as a slave in a
The INPUT MON group includes two icons: ALL and AUTO. The ALL icon will light whenever the All Input function is enabled (by pressing the [ALL INPUT] button). The AUTO icon will light whenever the Auto Input function is enabled (by pressing the [AUTO INPUT] button). See page
The INPUT group of icons indicates which input source is being used.
The ANALOG icon will light whenever the Analog Inputs are selected (by
pressing the [ANALOG INPUT] button). The DIGITAL icon will light whenever the Digital Inputs are selected (by pressing the [DIGITAL INPUT] button). The TRK COPY icon will light whenever the Track Copy function is selected (by pressing the [TRACK COPY] button). See page
37 & 38.
This is the Interpolation Indicator. When it flashes, it indicates that errors have been detected and corrected using an interpolation scheme. It is a good idea to clean the tape heads and/or make a backup copy of your tape if you ever see this icon light. See Appendix C for more information.
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