1. Check all nuts, bolts fasteners for tightness. Retighten as necessary.
2.Clean anydirtfromtherecoil starterand footpedestal. Wipe the entire unit clean before operating.
3.Replace any missing or damaged Safety Operation decals.
4.Adjustheightofhandle.Adjusthandlebylooseningnutsand moving handle to suit operation. Retighten nuts.
3.Close the choke lever Figure 9 and move the throttle lever to the "Full Open" position. Turning the choke lever 90 degreesclockwiseclosesthechoke.Incoldweather,startthe unit with choke fully closed. In warm weather or when the engine is warm, the unit can be started with choke halfway or completely open.
Initial Start-up
When starting the
1.Open the fuelshut- off valve by moving the fuel cock lever to the open position (Figure 7).
Figure 9. Choke Lever
4. Grip the recoil starter (Figure 10 ) handle and pull it until you feelaslightresistance.Thenpullsharplyandquickly.Return the recoil starter handle to the starter case before releasing.
Figure 7. Fuel Cock
2.Set the engine ON/OFF switch (Figure 8) to the "ON" position (START).
Figure 8. Recoil Starter
5. If engine fails to start, move the choke lever (Figure 9) to the half open position to avoid flooding.
6. Repeat steps 1 thru 4.
7. If the engine does not start after repeated attempts, check the spark plug for excess fuel. Clean and replace the spark plug as needed.