NEC NDA-30016-003 manual Database Requirements, Roamer Database

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Roamer Installation Guide

Database Requirements

Chapter 3 Database Requirements

Roamer uses the following two databases, only the first of which is created through the APM:

The Roamer Database

This database contains default assignment information. Each user ID is associated to telephone numbers and privileges, a tenant, and a reset option. This database is created through the APM and is configured as /oai/db/cur/ roamerdb.

The Backup Database

This database reflects the current status of Roamer activity and is created and maintained by Roamer. It is configured in the APM as /oai/app/data/roamerbu.

The Roamer database is created through the Database Administration option on the APM System Administration Menu and involves the following four-step process:

Step 1 - Create


Step 2 - Build


Step 3 - Create


Step 4 - Process

Master Definition File


Master Database File


Application Definition File


Application Database




1.Create a Master Definition File: This step involves creating the master defini- tion file that defines the fields in the master database file.

2.Build a Master Database File: This step involves entering data that was de- fined in the master definition file, in Step 1, into the master database fields.

3.Create an Application Definition File: In this step, a definition file is created for the Roamer database. This file defines the formats by which data from the corresponding master file is to be converted to meet the needs of Roamer.

4.Process the Application Database: In this step, the Process and Install Appli- cation Databases options on the APM Database Administration menu create the file that will be used by Roamer. When the Process option is activated, data is drawn from the master database and converted to the formats specified in the corresponding application definition file. The Install option is then activated to enable Roamer to copy its database into a working file.

NDA-30016 Revision 3.0

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Contents Roamer Liability Disclaimer Table of Contents This Page Left Blank List of Figures Figures Introduction ChapterIntroduction Roamer Installation Guide Installation Requirements This Page Left Blank Application Characteristics Application ConfigurationPrimary Configuration Parameters OAI Facilities Database Requirements on Secondary OAI Configuration ParametersAssignments on User-Defined ParametersNDA-30016 Revision Roamer Database Database RequirementsSFC InstructionsField Definitions This Page Left Blank Assignment of MSF Function Key MAT AssignmentsAKY1 Command Assignment of Dterm Function Key Aokc Command Assignment of OAI Key CodesAsyd Command Assignment of System Data Assignment of Free Location FeatureMAT Assignments Roamer Installation Guide