Precaution for use
1.If you suffer from heart disease, high blood pressure or other circulatory disease, please consult your doctor first.
2.If you feel abnormal pressure of the cuff dur- ing use or any other irregularity, reduce the pressure by immediately switching off the power or remove the batteries and consult the sales outlet where purchased.
3.If you think the measured value is abnormal or if measuring makes you feel unwell, dis- continue use and consult your doctor.
4.Measurement of blood pressure may not be possible for someone with a weak pulse or arrhythmia.
5.Congestion, swelling, etc. may occur in some people.
6.If blood pressure is measured repeatedly, an accurate result will not be achieved. An in- terval of about 10 minutes should be allowed.
7.The memory is erased if the batteries are removed for replacement, etc. and a record should be kept of any necessary data.
Precaution for maintenance
1.Do NOT store the blood pressure monitor where it will be exposed to direct sunlight, high temperature (Over 60C), low tempera- ture (below
2.Do NOT expose the blood pressure monitor to under force or vibration, or drop it.
3.Remove the battery/batteiries when not in use for a long period.
4.Do not assemble the apparatus.
5.Do not bend the cuff or air hose unneces- sarily
6.NEVER wipe the blood pressure monitor with thinner or benzene, as they may damage it.
7.When the monitor is very dirty, wipe it clean with a cloth moistened with Sterilizing alco- hol or a neutral detergent, and then wipe it with a dry cloth. Do NOT use thinner or ben- zene.
Nature and frequency of mainte- nance:
This product is designed for use over an extended period of time; however, it is generally recom- mended that it be inspected every two years to ensure proper function and performance.
Protect the nature environment:
Please help protect natural environment by re- specting natural and/or local recycling regulations when disposing of the batteries and the products at the end of their useful lives.
Reference European standard:
This product complies with EC instructions 93/42/ EEC (Medical Device Directive) and with the fol- lowing standards:
Name : Premier Precision Ltd.
Address : Block E, 6th floor,
Phase 2, Yip Fat Factory building,
European Representative:
Name : WvW elektronische Geräte Vertrieb GmbH
Address :
- Eng 3 -