Pride Mobility Jet 10 A R E a N D M a I N T E N a N C E, Routine Maintenance, Temperature

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X . C A R E A N D M A I N T E N A N C E


Your Jet 10 is a sophisticated power chair. Like any motorized vehicle, it requires routine maintenance checks.You can perform some of these checks, but others require assistance from your authorized Pride provider. Preventive maintenance is very important. If you follow the maintenance checks in this section as scheduled, you can help ensure that your Jet 10 gives you years of trouble-free operation. If you have any doubt as to your Jet 10’s care or operation, contact your authorized Pride provider.

CAUTION! Your power chair, like most electrical equipment, is susceptible to damage from the elements. Avoid damp areas of any kind. Direct exposure to water or dampness could cause the power chair to malfunction electronically and mechanically. Water can cause electrical compo- nents to corrode and the power chair’s frame to rust.

Should your Jet 10 come in contact with water:

1.Dry your Jet 10 as much as possible with a dry towel.

2.Allow your Jet 10 to sit in a warm dry place for twelve hours to allow unseen water to evaporate.

3.Check the joystick operation and the brakes before using your Jet 10 again.

4.If any inconsistencies are found, take your Jet 10 to your authorized Pride provider.


Some of the parts of your Jet 10 are susceptible to extreme changes in temperature. Always keep your Jet 10 between the temperatures of 18° F and 122° F.

νIn extremely cold temperatures the batteries may freeze. The specific temperature at which they will freeze depends on a number of factors, such as battery charge, usage, and composition of the batteries (e.g., sealed lead-acid or gel cell).

νTemperatures above 122° F may cause your Jet 10 to operate at a reduced speed. This is a safety feature built into the controller that helps prevent damage to the motor and other electrical components. See VIII. “Opera- tion.”


νAvoid knocking or bumping the controller, especially the joystick.

νAvoid prolonged exposure of your Jet 10 to extreme conditions, such as heat, cold, or moisture.

νKeep the controller clean.

νCheck all controller connectors on the utility tray to ensure that they are all tight and secured properly. See figures 9 an d 10. Also check the charger harness connector.

νWhen the battery condition meter is completely lit, the batteries are fully charged and the controller and the electrical system are OK.

νIf two red LEDs on the battery condition meter are blinking slowly, the batteries are low and need to be charged, but the controller and the electrical system are OK.

νMake sure the drive tires are inflated to 30 - 35 psi.

WARNING! Make sure your tires are inflated to 30-35 psi. Do not underinflate or overinflate your tires. Low pressure may result in loss of control, and overinflated tires may burst. Serious personal injury may result. Overinflating tires can cause them to explode and can result in personal injury.

WARNING! Do not use a high pressure hose to inflate your tires.


Jet 10/Rev H/Feb03

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Contents Stylish Design and Premium Performance F E T Y G U I D E L I N E S N T E N T S Introduction N T R O D U C T I O NInformation Exchange Pride Owners Club My Authorized Pride Provider IsS a F E T Y Pre-Ride Safety CheckModifications Tire Inflation Weight LimitationsIncline Information Braking Information Cornering InformationStationary Obstacles Steps, Curbs, etc Freewheel ModeOutdoor Driving Surfaces Public Streets and RoadwaysElevators Stairs and EscalatorsDoors EMI & RFITransfers Motor Vehicle TransportPositioning Belts Inclement Weather Precautions Reaching and Bending BatteriesAlcohol Removable PartsI . E M I / R F Frequently Asked Questions FaqsWhere do radio waves come from? EMI/RFI WarningsWhat should I do if my power chair moves unexpectedly? What is the FDA doing about the problem?Are all electric mobility vehicles susceptible to EMI/RFI? Y O U R J E T 1 Your JetSpecifications Electrical Connectors and Components Utility TrayTo engage or disengage the freewheel feature Manual Freewheel LeversJoystick Installation Seat InstallationTo install the seat To install the joystick controllerPin Controller Connector To change the seat height C O M F O R T a D J U S T M E N T SSeat Height Armrest WidthArmrest Height Optional Armrest AngleJoystick Extension Footrest Angle Footrest HeightElevating LEG Rests Option Required Tool 13 mm wrench To adjust the anti-tip wheels To adjust the ELR lengthANTI-TIP Wheels Seat Removal Battery RemovalI . D I S a S S E M B L Y Body Shroud RemovalDynamic DL Controller I I . O P E R a T I O NTo operate your Jet Trouble Codes Batteries B a T T E R I E S a N D C H a R G I N GCharging the Batteries OFF-BOARD Charger To charge the batteries using the onboard chargerBattery BREAK-IN To break in new batteries for maximum efficiencyDaily USE Batteries and CHARGING-FREQUENTLY Asked Questions FaqsInfrequent USE Why do my new batteries seem weak? What type of battery should I use?How can I ensure maximum battery life? What about public transportation? How should I store my Jet 10 and its batteries?What about shipping? A R E a N D M a I N T E N a N C E Routine MaintenanceTemperature Should your Jet 10 come in contact with waterWeekly Checks Daily ChecksTo check the brakes Yearly Checks Cleaning Instructions Wheel ReplacementMonthly Checks StorageBattery Replacement To replace the batteriesMotor Brushes When to see Your Authorized Pride Provider for ServiceTo inspect or replace the motor brushes Corrective Maintenance O P T I O N S a N D a C C E S S O R I E S Warranty Exceptions FIVE-YEAR Limited Frame WarrantyONE-YEAR Limited Warranty Warranty ExclusionsThere is no other express warranty Quality Control Model