Pride Mobility Jet 10 owner manual Daily Checks, Weekly Checks, To check the brakes

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X . C A R E A N D M A I N T E N A N C E

νIf the battery condition meter is blinking rapidly, the controller has detected a fault in either its own circuits or in your Jet 10’s circuits. See VIII. “Operation.”

νUse a rubber conditioner on the tire sidewalls to help preserve them. Check for wear.

WARNING! Never use a rubber conditioner on the tread area of the tires; doing so may make the tires slippery and cause your power chair to skid.

νThe body shroud has been sprayed with a clear sealant coating. You can apply a light coat of car wax to help it retain its high-gloss appearance.

νCheck all electrical connections. Make sure they are tight and are not corroded. Batteries must sit flat within the battery well, with the battery terminals facing inward, toward each other. Refer to the frame decal for the correct wiring layout.

νAll wheel bearings are prelubricated and sealed. They require no subsequent lubrication.


νWith the controller turned off, check the joystick. Make sure it is not bent or damaged and that it returns to center when you release it. Check the rubber boot around the base of the joystick for damage. Visually inspect the boot. Do not handle or try to repair it. See your authorized Pride provider if there is a problem.

νVisually inspect the controller harnesses. Make sure that they are not frayed or cut or have any wires exposed. See your authorized Pride provider if there is a problem with any of these harnesses.


νDisconnect and inspect the controller and the charger harnesses from the utility tray. Look for corrosion. Contact your authorized Pride provider if necessary.

νEnsure that all parts of the controller system are securely fastened to your Jet 10. Do not overtighten any screws.

νCalibrate the joystick if a noticeable difference in performance is detected or if the joystick does not operate properly. To calibrate the joystick, power off the unit, place the joystick in neutral position, and power the unit back on. If a problem still exists with your joystick’s performance, contact your authorized Pride provider.

νCheck the brakes. This test should be carried out on a level surface with at least three feet of clearance around your Jet 10.

To check the brakes:

1.Turn on the controller and turn down the speed and response adjustment knob.

2.After one second, check the battery condition meter. Make sure that it remains on.

3.Slowly push the joystick forward until you hear the electric brakes click. Immediately release the joystick.You must be able to hear each electrical brake operating within a few seconds of joystick movement. Repeat this test three times, pushing the joystick backward, then left, and then right.

Jet 10/Rev H/Feb03


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Contents Stylish Design and Premium Performance F E T Y G U I D E L I N E S N T E N T S Information Exchange N T R O D U C T I O NIntroduction My Authorized Pride Provider Is Pride Owners ClubModifications Pre-Ride Safety CheckS a F E T Y Incline Information Weight LimitationsTire Inflation Cornering Information Braking InformationPublic Streets and Roadways Freewheel ModeOutdoor Driving Surfaces Stationary Obstacles Steps, Curbs, etcEMI & RFI Stairs and EscalatorsDoors ElevatorsPositioning Belts Motor Vehicle TransportTransfers Batteries Inclement Weather Precautions Reaching and BendingRemovable Parts AlcoholEMI/RFI Warnings Frequently Asked Questions FaqsWhere do radio waves come from? I . E M I / R FAre all electric mobility vehicles susceptible to EMI/RFI? What is the FDA doing about the problem?What should I do if my power chair moves unexpectedly? Your Jet Y O U R J E T 1Specifications Utility Tray Electrical Connectors and ComponentsManual Freewheel Levers To engage or disengage the freewheel featureTo install the joystick controller Seat InstallationTo install the seat Joystick InstallationPin Controller Connector Armrest Width C O M F O R T a D J U S T M E N T SSeat Height To change the seat heightJoystick Extension Armrest AngleArmrest Height Optional Elevating LEG Rests Option Footrest HeightFootrest Angle ANTI-TIP Wheels To adjust the ELR lengthRequired Tool 13 mm wrench To adjust the anti-tip wheels Body Shroud Removal Battery RemovalI . D I S a S S E M B L Y Seat RemovalTo operate your Jet I I . O P E R a T I O NDynamic DL Controller Trouble Codes Charging the Batteries B a T T E R I E S a N D C H a R G I N GBatteries To break in new batteries for maximum efficiency To charge the batteries using the onboard chargerBattery BREAK-IN OFF-BOARD ChargerInfrequent USE Batteries and CHARGING-FREQUENTLY Asked Questions FaqsDaily USE How can I ensure maximum battery life? What type of battery should I use?Why do my new batteries seem weak? What about shipping? How should I store my Jet 10 and its batteries?What about public transportation? Should your Jet 10 come in contact with water Routine MaintenanceTemperature A R E a N D M a I N T E N a N C ETo check the brakes Daily ChecksWeekly Checks Storage Cleaning Instructions Wheel ReplacementMonthly Checks Yearly ChecksTo replace the batteries Battery ReplacementTo inspect or replace the motor brushes When to see Your Authorized Pride Provider for ServiceMotor Brushes Corrective Maintenance O P T I O N S a N D a C C E S S O R I E S Warranty Exclusions FIVE-YEAR Limited Frame WarrantyONE-YEAR Limited Warranty Warranty ExceptionsThere is no other express warranty Quality Control Model