Pride Mobility Legend 4-Wheel Scooter Running Lights Switch, Headlight Switch, Horn Button

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V . Y O U R L E G E N D

Running Lights Switch

This switch controls your scooter’s front (upper) and rear running lights.

νToggle the switch forward to turn on your scooter’s running lights.

νToggle the switch back to turn off your scooter’s running lights.

Headlight Switch

This switch controls your scooter’s front (lower) light.

νToggle the switch forward to turn on your scooter’s front lower light.

νToggle the switch back to turn off the light.

Horn Button

Your scooter must be turned on for the horn to be operational.

νThis button activates a warning horn.

νDo not hesitate to use the warning horn when doing so may prevent accident or injury.

Hazard Lights Switch

This switch activates the 4-way flashers on your scooter.

νToggle the switch forward to turn on the flashers.

νToggle the switch back to turn off the flashers.

Turn Signal Buttons

νPress the appropriate turn signal button once to activate it.

νYour scooter’s turn signals are timed to shut off automatically.

3-Amp Tiller Console Fuses

These fuses help protect your scooter’s frontlighting,turnsignals,andkeyswitchconsolesystemsfromreceiving an overload of electrical current. The fuses used in your scooter are the same type used in automobiles. See XII. “Care and Maintenance” for fuse replacement.






Figure 5A. Tiller Console Fuses



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Contents Ultimate In Style & Performance F E T Y G U I D E L I N E S N T E N T S N T R O D U C T I O N Information ExchangeQuick Reference Information Pride Owners ClubMy Authorized Pride Provider Is S a F E T Y GeneralModifications Removable Parts Electromagnetic FieldsPRE-RIDE Safety Check Weight LimitationsTire Inflation Incline InformationWheel Maximum Recommended Cornering Information Braking InformationOutdoor Driving Surfaces Streets and Roadways Stationary Obstacles STEPS, CURBS, ETCInclement Weather Precautions Freewheel Mode Battery Disposal and Recycling Stairs and EscalatorsDoors ElevatorsMotor Vehicle Transport Reaching and BendingAlcohol Positioning BeltsPrescription DRUGS/PHYSICAL Limitations EMI/RFI Frequently Asked Questions Faqs Where do radio waves come from?I . E M I / R F EMI/RFI WarningsWhat should I do if my mobility vehicle moves unexpectedly? What is the FDA doing about the problem?Are all electric mobility vehicles susceptible to EMI/RFI? Specification S Standard Seat Weight 45 lbs Drive System Battery RequirementsUsable Material Gray vinyl or Gray fabric MotorO U R L E G E N D Tiller ConsoleRunning Lights Switch Headlight SwitchHazard Lights Switch Turn Signal ButtonsCharger Power Cord Receptacle Main Circuit Breaker Reset ButtonRear Section AmmeterMotor/Transaxle Assembly Manual Freewheel LeverBatteries Not Shown Anti-Tip WheelsCharging Your Batteries Reading Your Battery VoltageB a T T E R I E S a N D C H a R G I N G Frequently Asked Questions Faqs What type and size of battery should I use? How can I get maximum range or distance per charge?How can I ensure maximum battery life? How should I store my scooter and its batteries?PRE-RIDE Adjustments and Checks I . O P E R a T I O NBefore Getting Onto Your Scooter Getting Onto Your ScooterGetting OFF of Your Scooter Remove the key from the key switchPower Down Timer Feature I I . C O M F O R T a D J U S T M E N T S Tiller Angle AdjustmentSeat Rotation Adjustment Seat Height Adjustment Seatback AdjustmentArmrest Angle Adjustment Power Seat Optional Disassembly D I S a S S E M B LY a N D a S S E M B LYToggle Latch Release Frame SeparationAssembly Frame SectionsP T I O N a L a C C E S S O R I E S What if all the systems on my scooter seem to be dead? B a S I C TroubleshootingDiagnostic Flash Codes B a S I C Troubleshooting I . C a R E a N D M a I N T E N a N C E Fuse Replacement CONSOLE, CHARGER, and Rear ElectronicsRear Lights Storing Your ScooterTHREE-YEAR Limited Warranty THREE-YEAR Warranty ExceptionsONE-YEAR Limited Warranty Warranty ExclusionsT E S T E S T E S Susquehanna Ave. Exeter, PA