X I I I . W A R R A N T Y
Three years on all structural frame components; including platform, fork, seat post, and frame.
νFirst year: 100% replacement of parts cost
νSecond year: 67% replacement of parts cost
νThird year: 50% replacement of parts cost
Transaxle: In cases where there is an increase in the operational noise level, the warranty does not apply. (The increase in operational noise level usually occurs due to abusive and excessive strain on the scooter.)
Motor brake:
For one (1) year from the date of purchase, Pride will repair or replace at our option to the original purchaser, free ofcharge,anypartorelectroniccomponentfounduponexaminationbyanauthorizedrepresentativeofPridetobe defectiveinmaterialand/orworkmanship.
Warranty service can be performed by Pride or by an authorized Pride Provider. Do not return faulty parts to Pride without prior consent.All transportation costs and shipping damage incurred while submitting parts for repair or replacement are the responsibility of the original purchaser.
νABS plastic shrouds and footrest covers (wear items and not warranted)
νBatteries (the battery manufacturer provides a 6 month limited warranty)
νTires and tire tubes (wear items and not warranted)
νUpholstery and seating (wear items and not warranted)
νCircumstances beyond the control of Pride
νDamage caused by: battery fluid spillage or leakage, abuse, misuse, accident, or negligence, improper opera- tion, maintenance, or storage, commercial use or use other than normal
νLabor, service calls, shipping, and other charges incurred for repair of the product
There is no other express warranty.
Implied warranties, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are limited to one (1) year from the date of original purchase and to the extent permitted by law.Any and all implied warranties are excluded.Thisistheexclusiveremedy.Liabilitiesforconsequentialdamagesunderanyandallwarrantiesareexcluded.
Somestatesdonotallowlimitationsonhowlonganimpliedwarrantylastsordonotallowtheexclusionoflimitation ofincidentalorconsequentialdamages.So,theabovelimitationorexclusionmaynotapplytoyou.
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