Pride Mobility Legend 4-Wheel Scooter, Legend 3-Wheel Scooter owner manual T E S

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Contents Ultimate In Style & Performance F E T Y G U I D E L I N E S N T E N T S N T R O D U C T I O N Information ExchangePride Owners Club My Authorized Pride Provider IsQuick Reference Information Modifications S a F E T YGeneral Removable Parts Electromagnetic FieldsTire Inflation PRE-RIDE Safety CheckWeight Limitations Incline InformationWheel Maximum Recommended Cornering Information Braking InformationOutdoor Driving Surfaces Streets and Roadways Stationary Obstacles STEPS, CURBS, ETCInclement Weather Precautions Freewheel Mode Doors Battery Disposal and RecyclingStairs and Escalators ElevatorsMotor Vehicle Transport Reaching and BendingPositioning Belts Prescription DRUGS/PHYSICAL LimitationsAlcohol I . E M I / R F EMI/RFI Frequently Asked Questions FaqsWhere do radio waves come from? EMI/RFI WarningsWhat is the FDA doing about the problem? Are all electric mobility vehicles susceptible to EMI/RFI?What should I do if my mobility vehicle moves unexpectedly? Specification S Usable Material Gray vinyl or Gray fabric Standard Seat Weight 45 lbs Drive SystemBattery Requirements MotorO U R L E G E N D Tiller ConsoleHazard Lights Switch Running Lights SwitchHeadlight Switch Turn Signal ButtonsRear Section Charger Power Cord ReceptacleMain Circuit Breaker Reset Button AmmeterBatteries Not Shown Motor/Transaxle AssemblyManual Freewheel Lever Anti-Tip WheelsReading Your Battery Voltage B a T T E R I E S a N D C H a R G I N GCharging Your Batteries Frequently Asked Questions Faqs What type and size of battery should I use? How can I get maximum range or distance per charge?How can I ensure maximum battery life? How should I store my scooter and its batteries?Before Getting Onto Your Scooter PRE-RIDE Adjustments and ChecksI . O P E R a T I O N Getting Onto Your ScooterRemove the key from the key switch Power Down Timer FeatureGetting OFF of Your Scooter Tiller Angle Adjustment Seat Rotation AdjustmentI I . C O M F O R T a D J U S T M E N T S Seatback Adjustment Armrest Angle AdjustmentSeat Height Adjustment Power Seat Optional Disassembly D I S a S S E M B LY a N D a S S E M B LYToggle Latch Release Frame SeparationAssembly Frame SectionsP T I O N a L a C C E S S O R I E S B a S I C Troubleshooting Diagnostic Flash CodesWhat if all the systems on my scooter seem to be dead? B a S I C Troubleshooting I . C a R E a N D M a I N T E N a N C E Rear Lights Fuse ReplacementCONSOLE, CHARGER, and Rear Electronics Storing Your ScooterONE-YEAR Limited Warranty THREE-YEAR Limited WarrantyTHREE-YEAR Warranty Exceptions Warranty ExclusionsT E S T E S T E S Susquehanna Ave. Exeter, PA