Invacare XPO2 Invacare Oxygen Concentrator Accessories, Invacare PreciseRx Pediatric Flowmeter

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Invacare® Oxygen Concentrator Accessories

Invacare® Check O2 PlusConcentrator Analyzer

Model no. IRC400

The Invacare Check O2 Plus is a single economical instrument that reports all the operating parameters necessary for performing concentrator checks. It

is an efficient and cost-effective analyzer designed with technicians in mind. It checks oxygen concen- tration, flow rate and patient outlet pressure on any oxygen concentrator. What’s more, it requires no routine calibration, and there’s no fuel cell to replace. The Invacare Check O2 Plus is three analyzers rolled into one.


Measures three parameters, eliminating the need for multiple instruments

Never needs to have the fuel cell replaced; it uses ultrasonic rather than galvanic fuel-cell technology

Requires no routine calibration

Features simple two-button operation

Shuts off automatically to extend battery life

Nine-volt battery power source provides three years of typical use

Invacare® Oxygen Concentrator Accessories


Weight (with battery)

10 oz. (284 g)


Operating temperature range

59˚F - 95˚F (+15˚C - + 35˚C)






± 2%


0-6 lpm

± 0.3 lpm


(5% of full range)



0-10 psi

± 1%


0-68.95 kPa

± 1%

Model Selection Guide

Model no.


Limited warranty




2 years

Check O2 Plus concentrator analyzer with connecting tube

Invacare® PreciseRxPediatric Flowmeter

Model no. IRCPF16

The Invacare PreciseRx pediatric flowmeter adapts Invacare oxygen concentrators for low-flow usage. This means you can now use this efficient oxygen modality for pediatric applications.


Delivers flow rates as low as

Requires no permanent

116 lpm or 50 cc/min. with or

concentrator modification

without humidifier bottles

Prevents back pressure into


Delivers precise low-flow oxygen


delivery: 116 -34lpm and 50-750

Compatible with or without


humidifier bottle


Easy to install–no tools required


Detail of Invacare PreciseRx pediatric flowmeter.

Model Selection Guide

Model no.


Limited warranty




1 year

PreciseRX pediatric flowmeter includes:




flowmeter, tubing, connectors and humidifier




bottle (flow range 116 - 34 lpm)

Invacare PreciseRx pediatric flowmeter and remote flowmeter are designed for use exclusively with Invacare oxygen concentrators. The input pressure for both is 5 psi (34 kPa).


Image 10
Contents Yes,you can Invacare Oxygen ProductsProvider Benefits FeaturesInvacare XPO2 Portable Oxygen Concentrator Patient BenefitsModel number Description Product SpecificationsModel Selection Guide XPO100BInvacare HomeFill Oxygen Filling System FeaturesSpecifications HomeFill Compressor Invacare HomeFill Oxygen Filling SystemModel Selection Guide Invacare Cylinders and Oxygen Delivery Device Cylinder SpecificationsSpecifications Invacare Demand Oxygen Delivery DeviceIRC5P Invacare Perfecto 2 Oxygen Concentrator Key FeaturesInvacare Perfecto2 Oxygen Concentrator IRC5PO2IRC5LX Invacare Platinum XL Oxygen ConcentratorsInvacare Platinum XL Oxygen Concentrator IRC5LXO2IRC10LX Invacare Platinum 10 Oxygen ConcentratorsInvacare Platinum 10 Oxygen Concentrator IRC10LXO2Invacare PreciseRx Pediatric Flowmeter Invacare Oxygen Concentrator AccessoriesInvacare Check O2 Plus Concentrator Analyzer IRCPF16ML6 Invacare Lightweight Aluminum CylindersInvacare Oxygen Cylinders IRCMD870T-6Invacare Piston Regulators Invacare Compressed Oxygen SystemsInvacare Compressed Oxygen Systems Invacare Digit Finger Pulse Oximeter Invacare Patient Monitoring SystemsInvacare Digital Pulse Oximeter Invacare Printing Pulse OximeterPulse oximeter Patient Monitoring Systems Model Selection GuideDigit finger pulse oximeter Sleep printing pulse oximeterPatient Monitoring Systems Specifications IRC735 D IRC775 E IRC600Invacare Corporation Invacare Disposable Oxygen ProductsDisposable Oxygen Products Model Selection Guide Canada